6 line wrasse aggression? Question

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Well-known member
Jan 16, 2010
Kirkland, WA
Hi, i have a 6-line wrasse in my 34G solana (actual water volumn in tank is less due to being an AIO, i'd guess 28g or so). I've had the fish around 6 months. Since than i added a blenny and the wrasse is really agressive toward him. The wrasse is also giving attitute to my pair of clowns as well. All that said, my wrasse aka "flash" is one of my favorite fish.

Here's my question, i'm upgrading to a 57g tank in about 2 weeks, do you think his aggression will stay the same in the 57g or will it abate? Since he is impossible to catch, if opinion is that he will remain agressive, i'll look into finding him a new home when i make the tank swap. Thoughts??

Thanks much!
Hey James, I have had many of the 6-Line Wrasses and one of my favorites as well. Some tricks that I learned along the way is when adding new fish I placed a small mirror against one end of tank to get its attention thus alleviating a little pressure towards new fish. You can also do a little re-aquascaping to confuse territory abit but the mirror seemed more effective IME. When you set up the new tank place him in last (by a few days if possible)

Cheers, Todd
P.S. The mirror also helps a great deal in catching territorial fish. Just place mirror towards one corner for a day or so to get its attention then place your net inside of tank in corner making it so fish has to pretty much swim into net to get at reflection. Let it do this a few times without trying to trap it then shut the door on him..wa-lah

Thanks for the suggestions, do you think he'll be less aggressive in a larger tank, or pretty much the same?
I should point out that the current aquarium is small for the inhabitants. Good that you're getting a larger one, but the aggression (contributed to by lack of space) may continue since old enemies remain enemies even if the reasons have gone away.
