65g Tank.

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Adam Black

More cow bell
Sep 21, 2007
Hello everyone. I just finished setting up my Aga 65G and was wondering how many members here have the same tank?I would like to no what lights your using, pumps,skimmers,fish,corals.If you have pics that would be great too. I'm running 2-250W aquamedic pendents over it. I have a 29g Diy sump. It has 3 chambers(skimmer,return and fuge). I'm using a recirc 110 octo for a skimmer. I have 2 1100 seios on a seio controller. My return pump is a mag7. I plan on keeping a achilles tang and 3 anthias(1 male and 2 female). This tank is going to be nothing but Sps. Right now I'm dosing 2 part alk and calc. B-ionic. Do you think this will be ok once i have more corals? Anyways would love to hear more feed back about my setup and plans as well as your setup and plans.Thanks.

new setup??? new Lr....?

while i dont have a tank that big... your plan sounds nice..

my 30 is a mixed reef with somewhat the same setup....
but my 75 that im working on, will have tunzes a 2x250 sunpod a mag 9.5 and i will dose kallk.... do you have An RODI?
cool beans. but right off the bat man, i wouldnt waste any money on anything other then a RODI if you really wanna keep SPS and build a reef with out the loss of just throwing money, your gonna need that stable base 2 start with.

the rock you have now is like base rock? do you have water in yet? sand, no sand?

no pics?
check out www.thefilterguys.biz


since your gonna have a sump... you might wanna get a Auto TOp off... it will make life a litte eazyer...
The rock is nice.It's not base rock. Honestly I don't really no the difference between the two? There's been water in it for about 3 weeks, Live sand for about 2 weeks, and live rock for about 1 week. I have a Ro unit but not a Ro/di unit. I get my water from a reliable source though.
72g 2x250 mh, octo 110 skimmer, similar sump, 75lbs live rock, 3" live sand bed.

The difference between base rock and live rock is that the live rock has had time to develop a bacteria colony that will break down ammonia into nitrites, then nitrates. If you let your rock and sand cycle properly it will become "live"
I've had my 65G up and running for about 2.5 years now. I'm running a single 250W Reeflux 14K and two VHO's for actinics. I'm running an AquaEuro recirculating skimmer, two SEIO 800's, Mag 9.5 for return, 15G DIY sump, DIY two-part doser, and an AC Jr. controller. As for livestock, definitely skip out on a Tang, especially a difficult one like an Achilles, since a 3ft. tank is much too small. I've kept a small Bristle tooth Tang before but be prepared to find a larger home once they grow larger. I have a pair of clowns, two-spot Hogfish, fire fish, and a Yasha Haze shrimp goby. You may want to think about a calcium reactor once the dosing becomes an annoyance. An ATO will make life much easier as well. Good luck with the tank.
looks like the help has arived.... good luck man... remember slow.... slow and slow...

its gonna take months and years.. not days and weeks
what about a drip system of just calcium and another for alk? Has anyone ever tried this? Get the bags that the doctors use for I.V. and just put a drip nozzle from like Home depot? Is it that easy? I'm thinking about putting 2 vho as well. I'm running 2 10k in the pendents and there not blue enough for me. Aqualine bulbs. Do you keep Sps in your tank blazer? Also what do you think about that AC JR.? What fuctions do you use?

Mattley, How's that Octo doing in your 72G? Do you have a full tank?Is your skimmer the Recirc type? What type lights?

Blazer, where Can I see picks of your setup?
there are systems to dose.... but i dont recommend you even think about it till your tank is stable and you have a good understanding of it..... I would worry more about the ATO then the doseing
Im uiseing the reefkeeperII
I have sps and lps and softies and bivalves and i dont dose anything...
Why is Auto Top off such a big deal? Can't I just do the same thing manually?Every week I fill a 33 rubber maid about half full. When my sump needs water I take my siphon and siphon water to the sump. My system evaporates about 1 gallon a day. By saturday what ever is left in the rubbermaid is for a water change on sunday. Then I fill the rubbermaid back up sunday night.What does the reef kepper add or do? I might have to look into one of those:)! Now that I think about it, filling up that rubbermaid once a week sounds like hell. Let's see how long I can do it for though. Hopefully as long as it takes to save for an ATO.
You can hook up a float valve to a 5 gal bucket of top off water. Thats what I do. The big deal about ATO is that your system stays stable. When water evaporates the salt stays raising the salinity.
This is my setup. Cost 5$ for a float.

Wow that looks simple. Where do I get the float at? that line looks a little small to have water running threw it? Is it because you have a small system? Where does the float go? I have a glass sump so no drilling for me. Is that going to be a problem?Pretty neat. I'm not worried about the salinity rising. If it does it won't very high. I can just add water. Doesn't the salinity in the ocean ever change?
The line is a just the line that runs my ro/di unit. My total system is 250g and 2.5g evaporate each day. I have it going into my sump which is 100g rubbermaid trough. I ordered mine online. Since you have a glass sump and you don't want to drill, this might not work. You could make it work but it would involve some work.
The line is a just the line that runs my ro/di unit. My total system is 250g and 2.5g evaporate each day. I have it going into my sump which is 100g rubbermaid trough. I ordered mine online. Since you have a glass sump and you don't want to drill, this might not work. You could make it work but it would involve some work.

Can you tell me how to make this work with out drilling it?
Cut a piece of acrylic the depth of your sump but only a few inches tall. Take that piece of acrylic and drill a hole in the center that the float valve can screw into. Epoxy it into place at one end, about 6in off the end, and at the height you are going to have your water level.

That is all that you really would have to do, but it might be easier just to take your sump to a glass store for them to just drill a small hole in the side for the float. Either way it should work. Good luck :)
I just ordered this stuff online! Has anyone ever used it?Bulk Reef Supply - Articles - Two Part Instructions - Instructions for Prepackaged Kits (Recipe 1)
Looks good. It's really cheap. I use to pay more for Esv. Anyways
I don't really get this?

Epoxy it into place at one end, about 6in off the end, and at the height you are going to have your water level.

Does anyone have a few pics of there setup?