911 corals need to be rescued! Please help!

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2010
I posted this in classified but thought I would post it here too.

I am at wits end and very sad and upset about this but my tank has crashed and I can't seem to get it back into a cycle. About a week ago I did a 5 gal water change in my 30gal biocube and my tank has since crashed. I think the salt may have been old as that is the only thing that I can think of that would cause my tank to die. I have been doing 5 gal water changes every two days and measuring the parameters every day. I can't get the PH to stay up. There is very little ammonia but I am not suppressed because of everything that has died.

I really want to save the few corals that are still alive so I was hoping someone could rescue them. I think I have lost my pistol shrimp and my yellow watchmen goby but I still have a cleaner shrimp and a small six line wrasse. There are a few corals that still have color and some that are mostly bleached but may still be able to be saved. I also have a mini carpet anemone. I know that it will take time to get it cycled again but I really don't want the rest to die. I am not asking for money, just hoping someone is available to come and get them. I live in Arlington.
wish i could help. you live way too far away. hope someone more local to you can help you.
I would test the new saltwater and make sure it tests okay. then I would set up a small tank with all new water just for the coral and the nem and do small water changes on every week. give you time to figure out whats up with the tank.
Bad timing, super busy this week but I'm pretty close (Camano/Stanwood)

What's your schedule? If you PM me it will pop up on my phone so quickest response

We can chat

Sorry for your losses already. Been there, done that :-(
I can probably hold your corals till your tank gets better if you don't have too many. I only have a 14 g biocube so not much room. I don't have room for fish and shrimp. So hopefully someone with a bigger tank can help you out. If you still need help pm me.
Thank you everyone. It is awesome that you are all willing to help me out! I think I like the idea of setting up a smaller tank. I wish I had done that a week ago, maybe more would have survived. Hopefully setting up a smaller tank will work. I guess I am not ready to give up yet!
yeah, dont give up. if you have to, break the coral off the rock or chisel it off. You will be able to re-attach it later and it will regrow.

stay diligent and you will be back up and running in a short time.
Keep us posted. There are a lot of people here that will help you restock, I'm sure. just place a notice in the sales forum when you are ready.
yeah, dont give up. if you have to, break the coral off the rock or chisel it off. You will be able to re-attach it later and it will regrow.

stay diligent and you will be back up and running in a short time.
Keep us posted. There are a lot of people here that will help you restock, I'm sure. just place a notice in the sales forum when you are ready.

Thanks, that means a lot!
Have you dosed in some Prime to help with the ammonia. You can dose up to 5x the recommended dosage for emergency situations.
Have you dosed in some Prime to help with the ammonia. You can dose up to 5x the recommended dosage for emergency situations.

Yes I have used a lot of prime in the past week! In fact I just used the last bit to set up a temp tank.
So the temp tank is all set up and what is alive is in there. I was shocked to find my goby and pistol still alive! A pay off me is wondering if this could be an issue with the lights. I have LEDs and they have been flickering for a couple weeks. Maybe the light power was not strong enough? I think it is strange that only corals were effected and not the hermit crabs, shrimp, or fish. I have cheto in the back that is fine but all the cocopods (not sure about spelling! ) are gone. Before my tank was swarming with them. I will get a better look at the lights this weekend but hopefully my tank will get back on cycle and everything well be ok.
I'm in Marysville and I can hold your corals if you still need it. Sounds like you may be back on track though?
After months of cycling (It seems like forever) my tank is ready to hold life again! Unfortunately I lost everything. I had moved the corals that were still alive to a smaller tank and they were doing great. About three days later something happened with the heater and everything was cooked. It was horrible. I lost my watchman goby that I had for about 5 years, I think that was the hardest lost. The only thing that survived are two snails and a hermit crab that I had kept in the tank. Now my tank is filled with copepods and tiggerpods and there are baby snails everywhere! I cannot wait until the next frag swap so I can begin again.
Please check out the sales threads.The "Sales" link is located at the top of the page.
Post a wanted add there. I'm sure you will find what you are looking for.

Glad to see your tank ready to go again.
Good luck with it. And we all love pics, so when you get new things let us know.