A cheap DIY dosing system...

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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gREEF Stricken

Well-known member
Jul 2, 2014
Graham WA
Well everyone, this is my first DIY post here at RF. I'm as cheap as they come in connection with anything aquaria...just my inclination. In fact it occurred to me the other day a large portion of my draw to this hobby truly seems to be how well it lends itself to DIY projects. And I just find DIY versions of very expensive equipment to be very satisfying. ESPECIALLY when they work!!! So in recent weeks as I discovered the nature and procedures of dosing I realized I was going to want to automate this. Then I looked it dosing pumps. Holy SH!TZELSTICKS!!! So I last here is my cheapo method, hope ya dig it... Cost me less than $20


Pretty useful and cheap indeed. I did this method for awhile, but eventually got tired of adjusting the drip rates with continued coral growth/need. Plus, the tubes would slowly get clogged around the roller clamp area if not rotated every so often. :flypig:
So I'm compelled to ask...what are my options?? Somewhere between my cheapo DIY and a $500 Cadillac w/all the bells n whistles??

I use the dosing pump from bulk reef supply that's $80. Wait for a Labor Day sale or something and they'll be $70.