a couple of pics

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if your talking about the large one, that is a wyslophelia brain. he can blow up pretty large during the day. he gets some cool purple and green colorations. I have had him since the end of february and hes hung in there through thick and thin.
Hey Sryder!!! Looking great! Is that a Coral Beauty I see off to the side in the pic with the Six line? I'd love to see a shot of him...
So this is the tank to go with the cool filter setup! Nice pics sryder! The middle one on the second set of photos looks like neon lights...Is it real???(JK) Very nice...
krish, that shots under the actinics. i dont know whats up with the tank though.. ive lost a bunch of stuff and do not know why. all parameters are good. steve
nikki, ill get you a shot of the coral beauty later tonight. steve
thanks mike, if you dont mind check out the last pic with the coral beaty and look at what was once a realy nice hammer coral behind him. I had introduced a scolyphelia brain intto my tank around a month and a half ago. within a week the brain started going downhill. at first all i saw was some flesh receding a little bit. the next day he was mush. I removed it and any pieces of it that i could siphon out. all seemed well for a couple of days but then i started to notice that my lps corals were not opening up all the way. my first reaction was water change and carbon which i did. 30% or so to be exact. in the next week i noticed that one of my frogspawns was deterorating and again just like the brain, the next day it was gone. although all my water params were looking good something was definatly going awry in my water so again another 30% water change. a week or so later i for no apparent reason lost 2 lyretail anthias. i removed them as soon as i found them. again all water params looked good. I checked my other fish that day and noticed my kole tang breathing hard and the next day he was dead also. a few days later i started to lose the hammer in the picture and you can see the result. I have recently had some algae problems like a rust brown colored which covers everything. my only thought is i have some sort of coral war going on. I am realy stumped and am realy bummed that this is happening. any suggestions would be appreciated.

amm= 0
nitrite= 0
nitrate= 10
phosphates= 0
calcium= 480
salinity= 1.24-5
my bulbs are 150 watt 10 k's that are 8 months old. i ordered some 150-20 k's that will be in on tuesday.
What size is your tank sryder and how much flow do you have? I see that big tunze sitting in there. That must rip up some current!
sryder said:
if your talking about the large one, that is a wyslophelia brain. he can blow up pretty large during the day. he gets some cool purple and green colorations. I have had him since the end of february and hes hung in there through thick and thin.

Sorry, got kind of lost Steve. Yeah, that's the one. Thanx for the ID. That is one cool looking coral.
krish the tank is a 140 gallon. i have a mag 24 for return and the tunze is 1600 gph. i have 2 maxi jet 1200 i think there 295 gph each., a seio 625gph and a little giant 850 which is mainly for the skimmer. so all togeather somewhere around 4500 gph to 4800 gph.
hey charlie if he ever drops a littleone your first in line for it....
krish the tank is a 140 gallon. i have a mag 24 for return and the tunze is 1600 gph. i have 2 maxi jet 1200 i think there 295 gph each., a seio 625gph and a little giant 850 which is mainly for the skimmer. so all togeather somewhere around 4500 gph to 4800 gph

Sounds good! Thanks.
krish in another thread i read. i am wondering if the mix of leathers and the mix of lps is the problem. i have a pretty nice sized finger leather, a toadstool, a devils hand and a colt coral mixed in with my lps. steve