A couple pics from Afghanistan....

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Mr. Reckless
Apr 3, 2009
Thought I would start a thread with some pics as this adventure kicks off....

Here are a couple to start...







Nice to hear from you Seth. Wishing for you and all our troops to stay safe and to come home soon. Keep in touch, let us all know how your all doing.
I noticed that you haven't been on the boards lately. So that is where you have been... You still running your 180?
Looks about as boring as you've been portraying it... No wonder you wanted your charger ASAP... I would too!! :p The sunset/sunrise is pretty though.

I noticed that you haven't been on the boards lately. So that is where you have been... You still running your 180?

Yeah, it's still up and running. I haven't added anything in it since he's left but I am getting help from Adam and Crystal (Myteemouse and CrystalClear125) for some of the major maintenance on the tank.
New pics. A couple from transit, a new camp I'm at, etc....

Awesome transient hooch..and some pizza from an italian army joint.






He wants a soccer ball\/

New pics. A couple from transit, a new camp I'm at, etc....

Awesome transient hooch..and some pizza from an italian army joint.






He wants a soccer ball\/


that little boy is so cute, he wants a ball? How can i get it over there?
and keep them pics coming, it lets us here at home know you are ok,
Yeah 210 rnds 5.56, 60 9mm, 1 frag, 2 flashbangs, 4 40MM grenades...and a cat ;)

There are tons of cute kids. We are living in the village most of the time which is cool. The kids being around lets you know you're safe....bring forth the children!

We passed out about 300 balls today, leather jackets, shoes, blankets, prayer rugs, rubber boots, etc etc etc. There is a lot of good work going on right now...
Yeah 210 rnds 5.56, 60 9mm, 1 frag, 2 flashbangs, 4 40MM grenades...and a cat ;)

There are tons of cute kids. We are living in the village most of the time which is cool. The kids being around lets you know you're safe....bring forth the children!

We passed out about 300 balls today, leather jackets, shoes, blankets, prayer rugs, rubber boots, etc etc etc. There is a lot of good work going on right now...

that is a lot of gear,
thats pretty you you guys are passing out all that stuff at least they know when they see you ,means your safe
Yeah 210 rnds 5.56, 60 9mm, 1 frag, 2 flashbangs, 4 40MM grenades...and a cat ;)

Oh I see you finally got the care package with DiNozzo in it?? ;) Little ball of terror he is...

And aww, you look cute in all of your gear... I mean hot... Literally. I bet you're sweating in that thing. Please don't bring it back here and ask me to wash it! Yuck!! :p
hehehe Sarang thinks I'm hot....LOL

Hey now.... I know you are around a bunch of dudes. So don't get any ideas:D. I only drive on one side of the road and stay far from the other lane LOL. Any how..... how is it over there? If you wifey needs a hand with the tank I am only a few minutes away.
Did anyone notice the astronaut in the back ground of the last pic..
Who let Neil Armstrong into Afghanistan ...
Hey Seth,
Cool thing.
My 12 year old got to pick a country to do a report on in school, and he picked Afaganistan
My wife asked him why?
He said "because Seth is there right now"

How cool is that..
SO more pics please.. and any input on how they live and the way things are..
If you have the time..