Alright so here is the plan, We are going to have a sale this weekend on Saturday and Sunday for 20% off all livestock (and we are stuffed) and then 10% off all Red Sea Products!!, On Sunday The speaker will arrive around 1pm and be available for your questions through out the day, he will do his presentation at around 4PM and we will have some Red Sea give away through out. We have a nice projector and screen and will have the game up (barring issues) for its duration.
We have been receiving large orders all week and the tanks are stuffed, here is a little taste.
Branching gold hammers
branching gold octo
Branching neon green torches and hammers
Electric wellsi's
Ultra Ricordia Yuma's
Maxima clams
unbelievable Fungia
Ultra Acanthastria
Ultra Thrachy's
Multiple acros, from frag to mini colony.
Here is a view of some and REMEMBER 20% OFF Saturday and Sunday