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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Millipora Addict
Sep 2, 2007
Federal Way, WA
So as imagine some of you are wondering "whats up with the meeting" Well to be honest. At this moment there isn't one, I've been working on a few different options for a meeting the past few weeks, unfortunately neither have panned out. I'm going to keep working on trying to a meeting for this month, most likely it will be postponed for the 22nd so everyone still has at least somewhat of some notice.

Now for the second part of this thread. I could use a hand with meeting ideas, I've got a few in the works but not enough for the full year and some of which cant happen for a few months. What all would you like to see for meetings? lets just try and keep this to the subject of meeting topics and not location please. Tell me what meetings you liked, didn't like, what you would like to either go further in depth on or shy away from?

Are you doing a sump/tank build workshop this year? I have an old 125 that needs some work and might be of interest as to compare and contract to building a sump from new pieces. I am gathering weldon40 and acrylic panels and have already probed the interest of the north sound group. Weldon 40 is sold in medium large volumes and does not have a long shelf life so I would rather see it used than sit on the shelf and yellow.
How about round table discussion on the implementation of BioPellets, and observations by those who are using it and how to make it relatively self maintaining or simplified so we newbies can understand its importance or necessity. And perhaps when does a tank benefit from its use in regards to stocking levels and such...