A refugium question

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Nov 2, 2008
Hi, I am going to be setting up a 20 gallon long with a CPR hang on back refugium. What would be the recommended depth of the substrate given the height of the refugium? Also, mud versus sand? Thanks

mud by the sounds of it that stuff is really good but i dont know whereto get it
one can also get it from the bottom of a LR bin at a LFS. I was able to empty the bottom of a LR bin and got loads of gravel and rubble, (some rocks) and loads and loads of silt. It took me quite some time to get it all sorted. I siphoned a lot of it out of my tank. or GARF.org sales some with critters in it, but shipping would be expensive to get to you
one can also get it from the bottom of a LR bin at a LFS. I was able to empty the bottom of a LR bin and got loads of gravel and rubble, (some rocks) and loads and loads of silt. It took me quite some time to get it all sorted. I siphoned a lot of it out of my tank. or GARF.org sales some with critters in it, but shipping would be expensive to get to you

I tried garf Grunge and do not recommend it, I did not see any life in it.
You wouldn't see any life in it. The beneficial bacteria you'd be looking for are microscopic.

I know that, but their marketing ploy is aimed at all the macro life, esp. in the garf grunge plus, they have pictures showing brittle stars, copepods, worms, etc. There was nothing. It was nothing but dead rubble. Worthless IMHO.