Acclimate Hermit Crabs?

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Dunno what type of hermit you are dealing with, however, my experience with blue leg hermits was quite amazing. I tore out the sand bed of a tank and loaded it all into a large thick trash bag and set it in an unheated garage in winter. About 1 month later, it was time to start a new tank and I needed some substraight. I dumped this substraight into cold fresh tap water, let it settle, then dumped in salt untill it had the salinity I wanted.

Later that day, I notice I had at least 10 hermits cruiseing around the tank...

I dont know if all hermits are this tough, but I personally would worry at all about just dumping them in.

Wow, that's tougher than I expected.

I'm still trying to get an exact ID on these guys, but they appear to be Calcinus tibicen. But according to what I've read, those come from the Atlantic, and mine are from the Pacific. Pretty tough to get an exact ID.

Anyway, I acclimated them for an hour and a half.

Thanks for the input,