added cleaner shrimp now my clown is freaking out?

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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2012
Ok I know this is a dumb question but I’m throwing it out there. I added a cleaner shrimp and a few snails and a couple hermits and ever since my captive bred ocellaris has been freaking out. Normally he’s very active and playful but ever since he has been hiding all day and all night coming out rarely to eat and take a look around, He mostly just hides under the ledge of one of my rocks at the front of my tank. This shrimp is the first creature other then cleaners and coral that I have added to my tank. my clown is breathing normal, my salinity is 1.024, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 0, ph 8.2,phos .25ppm, cal 500ppm ,dkh 13. So forgive me if this is a dumb question but is this normal behavior and will go away after he adjusts or is there a problem?
when did u add the new stuff......where did u get the new stuff?.....they could have brought parasites
i added all the new stuff on tuesday, i got it all at the fish store in seattle, as for parasites i really hope not i dont have a quarantine tank but everything else seems to be doing fine, thriving even. but everything else is coral and cleaners, no other fish
He's just upset about giving up some realestate most likely. He should come around. What size tank is it.
its a 14 gal biocube the stocking list so far is
1 ocellaris clownfish (jp patches)
green star polyp
radioactive dragon eye zoas
2 mushrooms
pulsing xenia
8 Astraeas
4 Cerith
6 scarlet leg hermit crabs
1 cleaner shrimp
i think i need to loose some cleaners
Your fish is most likely bothered by the new neighbors. I wouldn't worry about parasites. Inverts, snails, crabs, and the like don't carry things that will jump to a fish. At least nothing I've ever heard of.

Agree with above, Clownfish especially young ones are quite warey of new/unfamiliar additions when not in the safety of an Anemone.

Cheers, Todd

don't worry...clownfish is upset of the new addition of the shrimp..give it a couple of days to adjust and things should go back to normal (what ever "normal" is for your tank) :)
cool thats what i was hoping, but after 5 days i was getting worried. thanks guys for the help
My Percula clown HATES feather dusters. I mean goes after them with a vengeance for no reason. I want o add a peppermint shrimp in my 33, but I am not sure what She and the humbug will do. My humbug is actually pretty low key. Only goes after my hermit if she thinks it is encroaching on her territory and even then she just pushes it off the rock. Clowns are weird. I did have to take my feather duster out and give it to my sister-in-law because the clown just kept getting worse and after 2 weeks and the clown ripping off pieces of it's gills I decided it just had to go to a new safer home.
so its now been just over a week since i put the shrimp in and i am happy to say my clown is happy and back to his normal self yay!!.........but now my shrimp is hiding lol oh well they will get along some time
Oh and shrimp usually hide during the day and come out at night or when your actinics are on
perfect everything is normal then.that is exactly what my shrimp is doing. i sold my 330ci zhp a few months ago and miss the hell out of it hope you find the one your looking for iroll