adding coral, how much at a time?

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Jul 29, 2006
Tacoma, WA
I am currently in the process of switching over my 6 gallon nanos coral content to my new 33gal cube. All water parameters are good thus far, no ammonia, nitrate/nitrite, ph is good. I would like to start transfer and drip acclimating my corals, i have 2 small zoo frags, a mushroom rock (mediumish size), some kenya tree, a rock with polyps/pink plate coral. How much should I do at a time? I have no fish in the 33 gal, only inverts are a few hermits, 3 snails and a peppermint shrimp. I want to make sure I don't add to much and overwhelm the tank.
generally speaking, you can add corals faster than fish. I would still err on the side of slower is better. If you're lookig for a specific time frame, i'd say there's no problem adding 1-2 corals per week. But that's just a random number i came up with. But really you could add less or more.

SOme folks like to wait a long time in between adding corals. This allows them time to figure out the new demands of the coral and how to keep their water chemistry stable.
Cool! For starters, was the 33gal cube setup beforehand and had been running for awhile? If so, for how long? It will all depend on how long it has been up and running, if it has finished it's cycle yet etc. If the tank has cycled and parameters are good (matching that of the tank they are coming from or even better), I don't see why you couldn't transfer all the corals at once seeing they will be going in a much bigger tank. Just a thought...Good luck !:)