Adding Refugium to System II

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Dec 14, 2007
Renton, WA
I am in the middle of adding a refugium system to my System II and am almost complete but have run into a problem. I have been trying to find out how to disconnect the pump that is built into the System II. The water from the tank is somehow flowing back through the pump and is draining into the refugium before the water in the tank is able to raise to the level it needs to reach the designed overflow. I have attempted to plug the holes that water is pumped through at the bottom of the tank but still the water is flowing back through the pump. Does anyone have any tank is now without a running filtration system and need to get this resolved ASAP.

How did this work out for you? I would love to see some pics.
I have a 40G System II and thought about drilling it to place a refugium/sump in the stand below. Not sure if you figured this out, but if you disconnect the pump and turn the return tubing upward so the end points up in the air above the tank, no water should come back through into the return section. Until I get brave enough to try drilling it I did this: