adding sand to estblished tank

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Jun 22, 2008
I need to add a inch or so of live sand to my tank, vacumed a lot out when I had a outbrake of green CRAP. Is it cool to just add more in my reef tank
I have replaced several inches of sand in all of my tanks with no ill effects to any livestock, I used a funel with a tube on it, its kinda in the same lines of a beer bong,lol
but it works great! make sure to rinse the sand well before though.
Unless you are thinking about adding in 1 inch of rotten sand then you should be fine.
Hi mrichinen,

I would add little at a time, possibly 1/2" layer at a time, so that you don't smother anything.

I would use a PVC pipe, and pour the cleaned sand down the PVC pipe so that the sand does not disperse everywhere.
