Air stone skimmers: Beware of the wrong items sent!!

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Fragologist Magnus
Nov 30, 2003
As most of you either know or have seen by now, I also got a large air stone skimmer made not too long ago. After running it for a few weeks, I felt I was not getting what others had described. Originally I thought maybe the unit was still breaking in, but after a while I started to wonder if there was something wrong. The main issue was that the bubbles coming from the air stones were not as small I had anticipated.

I called mojoreef to compare notes and to bounce ideas. I asked him to describe to me how his unit was doing and then I described to him how mine was doing. He also thought there was obviously something wrong there as I have a much stronger air pump than his unit, I have more air stones, and my unit is physically bigger. We concluded that Aquatic Ecosystems (AES) may have sent me the medium pore air stones rather than the fine pore.

I contacted AES the next day and to make the long story short, one of their reps thinks that maybe they did sent me the wrong air stones. He thinks the fine port stones have a blue ring around them and not a red ring like mine. I couldn't return my stones, even though it was their fault, so I ordered a new set of stones again. I explained to the person taking the order to make sure they send the right ones this time. I get them again the next day and they look exactly the same as the ones I already have. I called them again and the person I spoke with tells me they sent the right ones from reading the order. I told her what had happened before. I asked her if there was any physical markings on the fine pore stones that would distinguish it from the medium pores as all the pictures in the website look exactly the same. I also asked about this blue ring they mentioned before. She tells me she will go to the warehouse and pull one of each to compare and call me back to tell me. She called very late wed while I was out and leaves me a message saying the fine pore stones have a blue ring around them and the medium pore stones have a red ring on them. I was extremely upset because they have sent the same wrong item twice!!! They are closed until monday. I will call monday early and get it all straighten out and get them to send me the right ones.

I had asked around to others that have these types of skimmers and they all tell me they have the red ring stones. I would call AES too and see what you got vs what you ordered. Unfortunately, they will likely not take them back, especially if they are used, if it has been more than 30 days since you ordered them. That really sucks because I bought 8 stones originally that I will toss likely after I get the right ones. In other words, I am paying for their mistake twice! Not to mention the headache of having to take this thing apart to replace them.
Hey on the skimmer Todd and I built we also got the red ring stones. I have been thinking that our bubbles were bigger then mojo's also. That pisses me off because we specifically ordered the ozone fine pore stones. If he has a invoice for those why the hell wouldn't they swap them out? That is BS. I bet if enough of us raised hell they will give in.
I thought crap like that only happened to me and only in the Bahamas! That's sucks and I know the feeling. I hope you get things sorted out Alberto which I'm sure you will. I know it's still the principle of the matter and the inconvenience, but what can you do...I tell my wife all the time, "If you can't do things yourself, you may as well not do them at all" I hate relying on people...Good luck on getting the new stones...
Sorry to hear... I really hate it when people send the wrong thing... for example.. at work HP sent us the wrong plotter, took 2 months and lots of phone calls to get the right thing... LOL... That was a process :|

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That really sucks. Sorry about that Alberto - you have been through a lot with equipment on your system. Hopefully they will make it right. After reading Tom's post, I'm wondering if whoever is packaging up the airstones knows which airstone is which?
Please keep us posted, I have the same red ones you refer to in the above post. I too have thought that the bubbles should be a bit smaller and it could be doing better than it has. I ordered the ALR230CP Fine-Pore Diffusers but it sounds like I got the ALR23 which is the medium-pore diffusers and about $6.00 cheaper. Are they even going to credit you for the difference in price?
Your outrage is missplaced but your information is valuable. It was your mistake to run out of stones and expect them to replace them in less than a reasonable time. You should have replacements ready when you change them. This means you should not run out and then order, should circulate stock like any active production. It is a poor man that blames his tool. You need to inoculate yourself from such small discrepncies and insure that your production is continuous and uniterrupted. The burden is upon you to supply all neccessary vital inputs.
aquariumdebacle said:
Your outrage is missplaced but your information is valuable. It was your mistake to run out of stones and expect them to replace them in less than a reasonable time. You should have replacements ready when you change them. This means you should not run out and then order, should circulate stock like any active production. It is a poor man that blames his tool. You need to inoculate yourself from such small discrepncies and insure that your production is continuous and uniterrupted. The burden is upon you to supply all neccessary vital inputs.

I'm lost with this post. dgasmd didn't run out of stones, the vendor sent him different stones from what he ordered in the first place, so the skimmer isn't working as effective as it should.
aquariumdebacle said:
Your outrage is missplaced but your information is valuable. It was your mistake to run out of stones and expect them to replace them in less than a reasonable time. You should have replacements ready when you change them. This means you should not run out and then order, should circulate stock like any active production. It is a poor man that blames his tool. You need to inoculate yourself from such small discrepncies and insure that your production is continuous and uniterrupted. The burden is upon you to supply all neccessary vital inputs.

I guess your post is the prime example of not reading or being unable to read and replying to something as you please just because you have the time to kill. Go to the original post above and re-read it again. ;) ;)
This may sound like a Handi-capable thing to say, but here goes... Why are you not entertaining the idea of Limewood air diffusers?
Dan you need to drink more coffie and lay off the meds buddy, lol

Alberto I did call them also and layed into them about the issue, I have sent them many folks their way.


I just got off the phone with Mildred and Heidi from AES. Mildred is who I had spoken to last week. She tells me that she went to the warehouse physically and pulled one of each. The fine pore ones definately have a BLUE ring around the CPVC part while the medium pore difusers have a red ring around them. She admited it was their fault. They are sending me today 6 of the fine pore difusers with a return label to send the other ones back along with a return label to send the wrong ones from my second order and 2 unused ones from my original first order.

I asked why is it that me, along with a few people I know of keep getting the wrong one time after time again thinking that maybe all the boxes are int he same place or something. She tells me they are not even located in the same section of the warehouse, so whoever keeps on pulling the orders back there for some reason keeps getting the red ones only. They tell me their catalog and website only has the red ones pictures, so it doesn't allow for the customer to know they got the wrong ones by just looking at them. They tell me they are correcting both in the future to make it clearer.

Regardless, I will be getting the new ones tomorrow and hopefully I'll swap them out tomorrow night. We'll see the difference.:lol:
Good luck Alberto! I hope you don't have anymore surprises and the new stones work out like you want them to...
My post is was not intended to be mean, I was merely trying to instruct. The animals in your care are not on a delivery schedule and you should not blame a company that is dealing in quantities much larger than yours. They are on a two or three week schedule that your animals are not. Their mistakes should not equal your animals deaths.
aquariumdebacle said:
My post is was not intended to be mean, I was merely trying to instruct. The animals in your care are not on a delivery schedule and you should not blame a company that is dealing in quantities much larger than yours. They are on a two or three week schedule that your animals are not. Their mistakes should not equal your animals deaths.

Dan McGuire

I am not a Liberal! I just pay attention

My Kharma ran over your Dogma

Pwease excuse my buttin in here... but in your Tag-Line... you mention "Paying Attention"?????

NOT evident in your postings here guy. Sorry your Khar is no longer running.
dgasmd said:
As most of you either know or have seen by now, I also got a large air stone skimmer made not too long ago. After running it for a few weeks, I felt I was not getting what others had described. Originally I thought maybe the unit was still breaking in, but after a while I started to wonder if there was something wrong. The main issue was that the bubbles coming from the air stones were not as small I had anticipated.

I contacted AES the next day and to make the long story short, one of their reps thinks that maybe they did sent me the wrong air stones. He thinks the fine port stones have a blue ring around them and not a red ring like mine. I couldn't return my stones, even though it was their fault, so I ordered a new set of stones again. I explained to the person taking the order to make sure they send the right ones this time. I get them again the next day and they look exactly the same as the ones I already have. I called them again and the person I spoke with tells me they sent the right ones from reading the order. I told her what had happened before. I asked her if there was any physical markings on the fine pore stones that would distinguish it from the medium pores as all the pictures in the website look exactly the same. I also asked about this blue ring they mentioned before. She tells me she will go to the warehouse and pull one of each to compare and call me back to tell me. She called very late wed while I was out and leaves me a message saying the fine pore stones have a blue ring around them and the medium pore stones have a red ring on them. I was extremely upset because they have sent the same wrong item twice!!! They are closed until monday. I will call monday early and get it all straighten out and get them to send me the right ones.

Ok Dan, read this part. This might clarify that Alberto didn't mistreat his fish or corals. Just that when he got his new skimmer up and running, he was sent the wrong airstones in the first place and didn't realize that they had done so. They sent the wrong ones the second time. The third time they corrected the problem.

You need to pay attention. :D
Glad this is being taken care of. I'm sorry you had to deal with this in the first place, I'm really surprised that they didnt fix their error in the first place.
Not good customer service IMO.

Alberto apparently the next time you make something like that skimmer you should preplan and have all materials on hand in advance prior to needing it first with the right stuff at the beginning so that you already have what you need before you need it the first time that you really need it when you start a project and that way you'll already have what you need. :D :D

sorry I couldn't help it;) ;) .

Glad you got that sorted out, sounds like some lazy people in the warehouse...your airstones musta been all the way in the back.:rolleyes:
aquariumdebacle said:
My post is was not intended to be mean, I was merely trying to instruct. The animals in your care are not on a delivery schedule and you should not blame a company that is dealing in quantities much larger than yours. They are on a two or three week schedule that your animals are not. Their mistakes should not equal your animals deaths.

dude,,, the little wite rabbit ran that way, go get it, ,,, lol

well u got me runing to cheak on my airstone now. thanks for the info.
OK guys, I think some might have gone a little past the "enough flack line" on poor Dan (aquariumdebacle).

The only reason I made the thread was to inform others that, like myself, may not have a clue as to what they got vs what they payed for and ordered. Everybody I know of at least that has one of these skimmers running witht he same air stones has received the red ones, which are the medium pore stones. I still wonder how is it htat mojoreef, which the same stones as my I presume, is getting such tiny bubbles and a completely different performance. Maybe his unit just has mojo LOL.........

I should be getting the new stones tomorrow and will replace them either tomorrow night or wed. I am seriously not looking forward to taking this thing apart to get them out either.