100 gallon long 100 lbs San(40 of it live), 60 or so lbs rock(some bought live), 4 chromis, 1occillaris clown, 2 snails of some kind. One small is in the process of cleaning of some rocks the other is sitting on the sand. When I put it on a rock out sticks to it but doesn't move, I half expect it to die. Water tested great except the ph was 8.4(but down from 8.8). Tanks been up and running about 6 wks. Eventual goal is to have a reef but starting with fish and going slow.
The algae is a new issue. We cut down on feeding and closed the blinds on the window near the tank.
Kids first question- would it help to keep the lights off most of the time. Right now they are on about 10 hrs.
2- what would be a good addition for clean up crew.
3- copapods. She wants to buy some and colonize the tank. She also wants to set up a smaller tank just for a copapods colony(goal with that is to get a mandarin eventually). Methods for going about this?
4- supplements, are there any she should be dosing the tank with now.
5- RO filter. She wants to get one instead of buying the water. She came across one on Amazon that's 100 gpd. It only has two reviews, both good, but it's pretty cheap compared to the others. So she's wondering if this unit will be worth it
I think that's all her questions for now...
Thanks for the help
That rock is nearly back to white on that side, he works fast

The algae is a new issue. We cut down on feeding and closed the blinds on the window near the tank.
Kids first question- would it help to keep the lights off most of the time. Right now they are on about 10 hrs.
2- what would be a good addition for clean up crew.
3- copapods. She wants to buy some and colonize the tank. She also wants to set up a smaller tank just for a copapods colony(goal with that is to get a mandarin eventually). Methods for going about this?
4- supplements, are there any she should be dosing the tank with now.
5- RO filter. She wants to get one instead of buying the water. She came across one on Amazon that's 100 gpd. It only has two reviews, both good, but it's pretty cheap compared to the others. So she's wondering if this unit will be worth it
I think that's all her questions for now...
Thanks for the help
That rock is nearly back to white on that side, he works fast