Algae Mower Vac Review

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Jul 28, 2011
Olalla, WA.
I purchased the Algae Mower Vac from from Florida for $60.00. I received in three days, which has surprised me via US Post Office, so props to the mail service. I was somewhat cautious regarding this purchase but I must say I have been pleasantly pleased. As far as quality, I was worried because I read how cheap it was, but for what it is and what it is used for, it is good enough for what I need. It comes with everything that it is need to do the job. I did write Kong, the inventer and suggest a side cutting bit for algae on the sid eof rocks. Where this things shines is when you attack the fluffy hair algae it is great and it will chew it right up and suck it into the collection bag. When it comes to bryopsis, it is a little tougher. Patience is the key and with the drill bit you actually drill into the rock to dislodge the baseof the algae and then it gets sucked into the collection bag. It comes with a collection cup with a sponge to keep it in and a collection bag. It also has a larger tube for substrate as well as a hose for removing debris from the substrate and putting it in a bucket. It is easy to use. The motor will jam once in awhile, but you just remove 4 screws and clean it out and you go back at it. Overall I really like the tool. I will use it for a little while and when I get tired I will clean it up and do some more later. It was worth $60.00 bucks to me.
Well sounds like a good review then.
Oh we need a video! ;)

Well there is a video on YouTube on Algae Mower Vac but you would be waiting awhile for me to do it, I don't have a video camera. I don't know how to do one with the smart phone or the little camera I have. I am very lacking in the technical aspect of this stuff. Sorry, I just wanted to do a review because I had asked if anyone has used one and I went ahead and got one. It's not perfect but it does work to keep things clean. :)
I picked up my Algae Vac on Friday night, it works awesome!!

Our club UPMMAS is planning on buying one and I'll be the first in line to put it to good use. My tank is quickly being run over with shrooms. I did see a video of it in action removing shrooms so I'm pretty excited with what I saw.

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Our club UPMMAS is planning on buying one and I'll be the first in line to put it to good use. My tank is quickly being run over with shrooms. I did see a video of it in action removing shrooms so I'm pretty excited with what I saw.

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Nana, it should have no problems with shrooms, it is a handy little tool.
I must admit I was nervous about purchasing one of these also but I went for it. So I got it in the mail today and withing minutes was in the tank chewing up hair algae.

I had a bunch of algae on some rock by a few corals that I went after first and about ten minutes later I had a gotten it all in the collection bag. The rock does not show any damage from the drill bit but it does look a bit whiter then the rest of the rock. I also went after a small patch tightly tucked between two corals and was able to remove it without damage to the corals.

I didn't have time to do the rock that my nem is attached to but can't imagine it will have to much trouble there either. I'll try to get some before and after pics from that one.

So here's the breakdown. Pros: You can change the angle of the bit to reach different angles on the rock. Works on 9 volt or you can plug it to wall. I tried both and wall power seemed to have more power, as expected.
You can adjust the wand length, which is also a con, I had to tape mine to stop it from extending once in the tank.

Cons: Collection bag was getting in my line of site and got stuck on a coral. I was able to get it off the coral without damage. The gravel vac did not work too well on my bed as it kept getting too much in the vacume, then again I had to leave for work and didnt have the time to adjust it.

Overall I like the thing. It looks like an unfinished product and I'm sure there are more changes to come. I know its not a cure but it sure reduced the visual problem and might help my skimmer, bio pellets, tang and crabs catch up.
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Well it DOES NOT work on shrooms :( Actually I think it made the issue worse. The shrooms are just to slippery for the bit to get an actual grip and wound up chewing them up. The suction wasn't strong enough to keep it from kicking little bits of shroom all over the place . Here's where I tried :( This was taken a couple of weeks after using it!!

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The only way I ever got rid of shrooms was to trade in the rock pound for pound at my LFS.

Is that a mini max on the bottom? looks nice what ever it is.