Algea help

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Nov 23, 2007
Hey what's up? I tihnk i'm having a red algea bloom and it looks likes it's getting a little out of control. I have a 45 gallon tall with a snowflake eel and a damsel... and a crab... i know this isn't helpful but i can't give any specs ccause i have'nt tested in a while, but for starters what can i do to help this situation?
You have too many nutrients, cut back on feeding. Syphon it out.Water changes. Check ammonia, nitrite and nitrates.
Sounds like Cyano do you have a pic? The first thing is get your water checked becuase that would be a major cause right there. Theres also a few things I would check first. Water flow is a biggie when it comes to keeping algea down. Second what do you use for a filter? I had a canister and it was just a time bomb waiting to go and when it did it did well. also with the snowflake they are really messy eaters and produce a lot of waste and that on the bottom of you tank will not help at all either and depending ont he crab I don't think that just one would be enough to clean up after the eel. I would look into getting a few more member of you clean up crew there are lots of reef creatures that will take care of just about every tank problem there is just have to be careful with that eel around (by the way I am very jelious that you have one cuse I can't get one the wife hates them lol).

what kind of lighting are you using? I know that if you are just using the basic tubes there are some out there that just make algea blooms explode so that might also be a factor.

When I had my 55 I had a few problems with Cyano myself I found that water changes, less feeding ( I now that with the eel that might not be an option if you don't want the damsel to be a snack ) and water flow helped me out a lot. When I finally got rid of my fluval I found that everything together pretty much made it stop and I was all set.

I hope this helps I am just speaking from my little bit of experience with that nasty stuff but I feel for ya I know that my battle was a long faught one but in the end I was able to win and if yours dosen't get too bad you should be able to as well. there are lots of people on here that can help ya and give you other ideas as well.

With something like this there is no real easy answer and you are going to narrow it down but with a little time you should be able to.

good luck