All in all I can't complain...

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Snail Turd
Nov 19, 2008
North Bend, WA
I don't know if anyone else out there got wet like we did this weekend, but I'll tell you, for the circumstances my tanks went through the last few days, I really can't complain about the outcome.

Our home was one of the unfortunate ones to take on water this week, and while I did a bunch of preperation to try and prevent any loss of livestock, it probably wouldn't have mattered if I had done nothing at all. I went to the trouble of isolating sumps, placing power heads and heaters in tanks and getting my generator and cords near ceiling high, etc., etc. After leaving the house on Wednesday morning with everything working like a charm, the water level came up SOOO high that I was never able to get back to refuel the generator. Thus, without land power or generator everything shut down for about 36 hours.

When I was finally able to get to the house last night and get the generator fired back up, my tanks had hit a miserably cold 50 degrees and my pH had crashed into the high 6's-low 7's. Everything looked like it was gone for sure. I went ahead and did some water changes/buffering/etc. while the tanks gradually warmed back up and did some major babysitting through the night last night.

Low and behold by 8:00 this morning almost everything had bounced back. It looks like my only losses are some snails, one tuxedo urchin, one chromis, a large toadstool, and a colony of pulsing xenia (which doesn't really hurt my feelings). All of my more delicate fish/sps/lps/and softies have all returned to near normal appearance. Even my powder brown tang that is already stressed in QT getting ich treatments has returned to normal behavior. It's been a real testament to how much hardier a lot of our tank inhabitants are than we give them credit for.

Anyone else have any interesting stories about their tanks and this weeks weather?
That is great news Most made it through the cold temp. Although I am not too surprised that they made a recovery. If you think about it all LS that is being shipped across country goes through some major temp changes and low PH during transit.
That is quite an amazing account. I am glad that your tank losses were minimal and you did not lose everything. How much water got into your house?
We got about a foot of water in the house itself, which is better than the 4 feet we got two years ago, but the house still won't be liveable for quite some time. Right now we're still trying to make some living arrangements. Some friends of friends of friends have taken us in for a couple of days, but it will be weeks at the earliest before we have any "liveable" space in the house, more llikely a couple of months. Two years ago, we were in a position to afford leasing an apartment during the time we were out of the house, but that's not the case this time around. My wifes been out of work for about a year now with a herniated disc in her back, so we're down to one income. We're hoping to find someone we know that has a travel trailer or RV we can use for a little while until we can get back in, but we'll see. People tend to get real weird about having people live in their RV's.
Sorry to hear about your misfortune. At least you had home owners insurance?
Yes, we have flood insurance so all will be well, but it's a hastle being out of your house for months. The real stinker is I have to break down my tanks and move them out. Still trying to find someone to babysit all my livestock and rock/sand.
It's also a shame that you have to report to your insurance agent that you lost your brand new chiller, external pumps, lighting, etc :) Time to go shopping.

Not that I would ever do that......;)
shoot me over a PM about the travel trailer I might be able to help you out... mine is not the nicest as I lived in it for 7 years, the carpets are shot and the shower looks like hell but it is livable by all means. Its 34' tripple slide out, kitchen with fridge, microwave, oven etc. Queen size bed and no furniture in the living room so you could put some of your stuff in that survived. Also let me know if you don't find a place for your tanks I have plenty of room in the garage if you cannot find anything locally.
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