Amazing Mini Brittle spawn event

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Dec 9, 2006
Harrison twp., MI.

I looked up at my tank and A mini Brittle Star was on the edge of the siphon. So I got up and took a closer look. There are 15-20 of these little guy's out and several grouped together. I watched them lift their bodies one at a time and spawn.

That wa truely amazing to watch. I have read that I should do a water change. But the spawn was very little. I wish my camera had a decent macro, I would have taken some pic's.

Has anyone else wittnessed anything like this. Time to save for a decent camera...
Somebody on here at some point mentioned that their spawning is fun to watch. They must've witnessed it... I think it was in a thread about a tiny white star fish ID. As far as good macros, if you are not planning on being a professional photographer, check out the Nikon coolpix series. Their new 6 megapixel camera is only $200 or so, and does amazing macro. No manual focus though (as far as I know), and that can be frustrating.
That is cool that yours are spawning. They are great little cleaners and the more the merrier. I have watched mine spawn several times. Usually mine have spawned as a result of a water change. I do not believe that there is a need to do a water change as a result of their spawn. I have had hundreds going at it at once and other then the skimmer kicking out a bit more the only result has been MORE microstars. :eek2:
