Amount and Type of Fish

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Reef Monkey

Well-known member
Dec 27, 2006
Currently I have a couple of O. Clownfish in my 29 gallon tank. I wanted to get everyone's thoughts on if I'd be able to successfully add a Flame Angel (Central Pacific) and a Six Line Wrasse to the tank while still giving ample enough room for everyone. I probably wouldn't add these fish until my 10 gallon sump/refugium is up and running, but like I said I just wanted to get everyone's opinion. Thank you for any help or suggestions.
Congratulations on asking! It is usually the other way around -- the hobbyist gets the fish then wonders why things aren't going well only to be told that the tank was overstocked. :eek:

If you want to get a handle on how to tell what your stocking limit is, you should read this post: Fish Stocking Limit – for FO and FOWLR.

The 29, with sump, skimmer, live rock of the proper quantity, proper circulation, etc., etc., can handle a bio-load that is related to about 5 inches of 'stocky' fishes. The Anemonefishes are of the 'stocky' kind. Then the consideration needs to be given to the requirements of the fishes being kept. If the fish needs swimming space, territory, substrate or special needs, they have to be kept properly for those needs and not just in a place where their bioload can be properly handled.

You say you have a 'couple' of Anemonefish. It isn't clear if you want or intend to have a mated pair.

If you want a pair of Anemonefish of that species, then it is best they be given at least 6 cubic feet all to themselves. This is what they need for their territory and covers their special needs. This makes the 29 too small for the pair and obviously, nothing more can be added to their space. Considering the other aspect of bioload: when reaching maturity the male and female combined will be over that 5" limit. So on both accounts (special needs and size), the 29 is too small for a mated pair (let alone more fish). As they grow, they should be moved.

If you want the fishes you listed and the pair, I think a comfortable size will be a 45 gallon tank with all the proper/minimum equipment.

Read the above linked post for details on this. I'm very glad you asked before making your acquisitions. It shows good sense! :)

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