I have 4 angels (eibli, flame, bi-colored and coral beauty) and 3 tangs (hippomus, sailfin, and chevron) in my 120 gal tank. The original fish list also included a Clown tang but I lost him early on.
But having said that I would also say that all of these fish are still young and that the tank was set up with this fish list in mind. The rock work was set up so that there are extensive caves of various large and medium sizes and it is common to look at the tank and not see a hint of a fish in there. Also I would say that all of the fish were introduced in the same period of time and always as small groups (no single fish introductions). Another point to consider is that with this possibly troublesome grouping there will be no further additions to the tank. Bringing in an outsider would cause conflict and stress.
Bottom line it is definitely possible but not recommended.