angel fish?

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Sep 29, 2011
hi there....

was hoping someone might know of a good place to get angelfish? and on that note... i read they will do good in an aggressive tank...i have a 100 gl tank with a lionfish, niger trigger, tang and a snowflake eel..all babies still and relatively small....

just moved them into the bigger tank and would love to add one or two more fish..

any suggestions or advice greatly appreciated!

also would love to hear about possible sharks that could go in too!

Hey Crystal, there are several Angels in the Genus: Holacanthus, Pomacanthus, Centropyge and Chaetodontoplus that would fit in with that crowd short term. The larger Angels as well as your Tang and Trigger will need a much larger system for long term health and best behavior. Most of our LFS's will/do have Angels at any given time or can order you in a specific one of your choosing. Best of luck and let us know which one you are contemplating.

Cheers, Todd