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Well-known member
Aug 3, 2007
McCleary, WA
Well I keep finding weird things in my seahorse tank. I found these tiny things when I put the live brine shrimp in the tank. I swims like a jellyfish but it rest on the side of the tank. Any opinions?????
Hey MalMom!

Glad to see another Dwarf Seahorse keeper around here.

Hydroids are VERY bad in a Dwarf Seahorse tank. They can sting and kill the seahorses. A few they can deal with, but hydroids seem to multiply very quickly if left alone. They frequently are introduced with the baby brine shrimp. There are many types of them.

I have been fighting with some pinkish colored ones for several months. I'm tearing apart the Dwarf's tank tonight (hopefully) trying to get rid of the rest of them. I've soaked my fake gorgonians in bleach solution several times already, and even that doesn't kill them all. I've even used brushes along with the bleach and haven't managed to get them all yet. Hopefully this time will finally work.

If you only have a few hydroids, I'd siphon them all out and keep a close watch on things to be sure you've got them all. If you're hatching your own brine shrimp, be sure to decapsulate them prior to hatching.

Well I have only found two so far but I keep watching. Keeping dwarf seahorses are so fun. I love watching them play in the current. They swim to the where the water comes back into the tank then float down with the current. They are so funny.....

Thanx for the info....