another sad reef story

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Lion in the cave
Nov 9, 2008
Milford ks
Well i was away on business to virginia for the past 6 weeks and my roomates were taking care of my tank. Well everything was going fine according to them untill last week i guess when we had a power outage. Well they got home and saw there wasnt water flowing so luckily they stopped it from over flowing out the top(its happened before :) and so they called me i told them how to get the overflow back and working cause i guess my aqualifter had gotten stuck so they got that all working and all. Well i got back last night at like 130am ish and i went looked at the tank saw everything was kinda good looking it was dirty but i knew this was gonna happen. so then this morning i went to my tank to see how it was going( im talking about the 100gal at this moment) well i figured out that the overflow had broken it still can be fixed it just broke where the glue held it together and thats why they had troubles getting it working so for a couple days i was without a sump and the refugium. I still had two powerheads inside the tank so atleast water was still flowing. It didnt occur to me that i had all my heaters in the sump :( so the temperature went down below 68* i dont know how low so i lost my horseshoe crab, all my acro frags, my small monticap that i got from adam, i still have my bigger two frags of monticap. But to my surpise my fish are all still there and still swiming around. My flamescallop is still alive lol and same with my anenomes. My lionfish still there and he got big :). The most shocker of it all my fragile featherstarfish is still alive and moving :) he lost some arms but thats fine lol. I have since checked all my parameters and am heating a 5 gallon jug of water to do a water change and there will be plenty more lol. to help clean up the sand bed. I have been bringing up the temperatur and right now it finally showed 68 and is going up yay. my sps looks like it has suffered some but will be fine once the temp gets back up. I have since moved my big ball of cheato to my main tank( i just threw it in there lol) Also to my surpise my green slimer or so i think its called that is still neon grean and bright :).

well on to the nano, well i came back and my royal gamma is dead and almost completely eaten by the hermits and snails, my scooter blennie isnt looking to well at all but i cant move him to the big tank yet cause of the temperature. He is hungry and i can tell i feed copeopods in there as often as i get them. the ph went down a point to 8.2 but its getting back up there lol. my salinity is stable on the nano not the 100gal have to lower it. other then that my frags arent looking to well in the nano but thts because they fell over and no one picked them back up so well see. so it looks like i will be modifying my overflow once again haha.
well i have the tanks stable now the temp is back up and looks like the lps is coming around and i found out i lost my two skunk shrimp but i think its because my roomates prob didnt feed enough and my eel or lionfish got really hungry
haha yeah thats why at least my little lady knows how to take care of stuff but she wasnt here either and its just gonna take lots of cleaning and redoing the overflow pipe.
well got my overflow drilled and all my plumbing done for now lol and just letting the temp rise up in my sump water before i pump it into the main( pray for no major leaks :)
6 weeks thats a long time! i was gone 4 days last week and had a mess when i came home!

I'll cross my fingers for you!
thanks lol yeah i think i have everything living found out that my roomies were only feeding my fish flakes and pellets and not the frozen stuff i had in the freezer and ive been spot feeding my corals once today just to make sure they get some food there still shrunken some.
well i have the temp stable again. got my sump up and running with a new overflow so incase of a power outage i dont have to worry any more :) and the feather starfish is still alive lost some arms but hopefully will be fine and ill check my para tmr but i think all will be well. :) and man my lionfish is getting huge he eats a couple more like 3-4 large goldfish a night haha
I occasionally have to go out of town, I always have frozen cubes ready for my ritter (reef sitter) so they can not over feed. I also set up my laptop with a camera and stream to Ustream. This way I can see the tank 24/7 over the net to watch for anything gone or going wrong. It gives you some peace of mind.
well i had the frozen cubes also and they also watched me use them but they just didnt :( but i think i will have to try out the camera idea lol but i dont plan on going away for awhile lol. Well i cheched my parameters this morning this is what i have to work with
salinity 1.023
ph- 7.8( im already in the works of raising it slowly :)
nitrite- 0
nitrate-in between 0 and 5
amonia-0 even after feeding
phosphate- between .5 and 1
calcium is 400
so thats what im working with im going to do another water change here tmr for my phosphate levels to go down some

well 7 days later heres an update. My levels are back to normal same with my temp. Heres some pics of my corals mainly lps and 2 sps i like my green hydrocondria that i got from chad when i first started. hope you like them.