Anyone buy fish from Petco?

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Well-known member
May 25, 2005
Bellevue, WA
They have some seriously cheap SW fish there though limited in selection. But I am curious as to the quality of their livestock. I've seen Yellow Tangs for like $20 or under. I want to add one once my new tank is up and running but am weary to their health. Their staff are completly useless so no point in asking them. Anyone have experience purchasing fish from them? Thanks for the help.
Blazer88 said:
They have some seriously cheap SW fish there though limited in selection. But I am curious as to the quality of their livestock. I've seen Yellow Tangs for like $20 or under. I want to add one once my new tank is up and running but am weary to their health. Their staff are completly useless so no point in asking them. Anyone have experience purchasing fish from them? Thanks for the help.

The Petco in Lynnwood, next to the Barnes & Noble seems to have pretty good selection and the staff is more knowledgable than any of the other Petco's I have been in. They also have some Corals and from time to time they get in LTA's and Carpet Anenomes.

This is the only Petco I will buy from. I have been in others and there is usually at least a couple dead or dying fish in the tanks.

Hmm...I should check the one out in Lynwood. I've only been to the one in Redmond which is pretty sad. But they do have small Yellow Tang's (most look healthy) from time to time and considered purchasing one since the price is right. I just wanted to get some feedback first.
One word: Quarantine! Petcos run copper constantly in their fish systems, so the fish's immune system is supressed. Also, I agree with Clayton, buy out of the bag if possible.
As long as You QT and TReat for Parasites you should be fine... My Regal Tang came from a Petco down here about 3yrs ago... Still living to this day... Not that I would recommend buying from them however If you do make sure you QT otherwise you will be sorry... And dont let any of their water into your tank at all...

well i gotta be honest in this one.
i don't like petco at all, at first i tried the one in Lynnwood and sure they get some nice stuff, but every fish and coral i have bought there, has been always sick or died.
they really don't have a clue on what they are selling you and if you buy any equipment from them, make sure it has all the pieces because everytime i bought something there for the tank, i would have to come back and find the pieces that i'm missing and they didn't even help me. The only thing i would buy from there is the ph puffer and sometimes salt.
I believe petco is only good for dogs and cats and maybe some other little four legged pets, so ya i rather go all the way down to Blue Sierra or Saltwater City where i know i'm gonna get something good and that i won't have to worry about.
Do you know for a fact that they run copper? I find that questionable since some of their tanks have inverts using the same central filtration. Most of the filters at the stores also contain carbon, which will remove most over-the-counter forms of copper.

Hmm...I don't have a QT tank the moment. Maybe I'll look elsewhere unless I can get one before they contaminate it with their water :)
Lynnwood petco has some staff that DO know quite a bit, that lady used to work with the folks that owned Coral Beauty. However even though she can do things that other petco's can't it is the COMPANY that determines what is done for instance the one in everette had probably still does a nasty case of cyano on the substrate visible 10+ feet away the caretakers wan't to do water changes and clean things up but the COMPANY won't allow it he was told the cost of changing the water got too high so they were only allowed to do it on the companies schedule . True Not everyone that works at a petco is a reefer but then again some do work there and can't do anything about it!
Lets see how many of these posts I can squash.

jennyclark said:
One word: Quarantine! Petcos run copper constantly in their fish systems, so the fish's immune system is supressed. Also, I agree with Clayton, buy out of the bag if possible.

PETCO does not use copper. "PERIOD"

The Redmond Petco gets their fish shipments every Thursday. I would strongly advise against buying from them on Thursday. Monday, yes, but not Thursday. If you have ever seen how the fish come in, then you would understand. Yes Petco fish selection is sad. It is not their fault. It is the suppliers fault. They even have a schedule when they are to change the filters and the carbon in the marineland filters.

How do I know this. #1 My wife is the aquatic specialists at the Redmond Petco. #2 I personally set up the tanks at the Redmond store. I have been dealing with FW and SW fish for over 12 years, nobody that they had there at the time had a clue about any fish because the old Redmond Petco did not carry any livestock at all. If you want to talk to anybody at the Redmond store about fish, ask for Katrice or Josh. They are the only people there who really know anything.

And yes, there tangs are healthy. They have been in their tanks for months now.
billdo said:
PETCO does not use copper. "PERIOD"

I have to start laughing at this one. Want to give an explanation as to how six years ago, a 20 gallon softy tank crashed after i dumped a cup of PetCo water in it? Was it my fault I dumped the water in? Of course. Doesn't mean their water doesn't have copper.

I'm sure its different from one PetCo to the next, but yes still sad, indeed.

- Elmo
OK, Redmond Petco is the exception. I have tested the water from a local Petco to find, can you believe it, copper in amounts that turn poly filter blue overnight! I have only bought damsels there and they all died. Guess it served the purpose I got them for: to cycle the tank!! ANd don't get me started on the nitrates or the salinity.......
It wouldn't surprise me if at times you'll find copper in the water at Petco; but I don't think its company policy. As I said, a lot of the Petco stores have inverts as well as fish. However, some idiot might decide to use copper to either treat fish or prevent sickness. Most of the employees I've run across at Petco are completely clueless about fish in general. So again, you take your chances shopping there.

Well I must say some post on here are correct and some are not. I used to be a PetCo Aquatics mgr and well I have to say Yes they do use copper and it is in the maint schedule. I must however restrain myself from goin further into this in a public forum. If you would like to discuss it in PM or email feel free to do either.


heh... I've got to hear your petco stories :D ... let me know... I also know for a fact though, that the petco in issaquah does not have any skimming, or atleast didn't 6 months ago... I also know that clowns live about 8 days in their system, it's sick, I think that a petition/complaint should be filed to the corporation...

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Stang69 said:
Well I must say some post on here are correct and some are not. I used to be a PetCo Aquatics mgr and well I have to say Yes they do use copper and it is in the maint schedule. I must however restrain myself from goin further into this in a public forum. If you would like to discuss it in PM or email feel free to do either.


Are you implying petco secrets...?

Considering that every time I go to buy meal worms from petco for my bearded dragon every single one of them is dead or in the refrigerator dying(depiste the container clearly labeled, in all caps, "DO NOT REFRIGERATE) I wouldn't trust them for anything.
Wow, I didn't realize this would be such a touchy subject. But I'd rather be safe and not introduce anything unwanted into my tank and get fish elsewhere. I appreciate the replies.
Trenchsoul said:
Are you implying petco secrets...?

Considering that every time I go to buy meal worms from petco for my bearded dragon every single one of them is dead or in the refrigerator dying(depiste the container clearly labeled, in all caps, "DO NOT REFRIGERATE) I wouldn't trust them for anything.

I am not implying anything like that I just dont wanna bash in a public forum is all. I left on good terms with management and who knows who reads these ya know

As far as the Meal worms go there is a SOP for everthign there and that is one of them. I believe the decision makers there are corp ppl who are not in the hobbies.

Blazer, if i was you and if you really wanna buy something there, i would check it out first and then decide whether i wanna buy there or not, like i said i buy my ph puffer there and it's been good, the same for the salt.
Little things like that, you can buy there, but i believe if you have a dog, there would be way more stuff for him there than for a fish.