Anyone know what this is?

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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2012
I just noticed this pinkish red think in the center of these zoas, it kinda looks like a feather duster to me but it seems to be bothering the zoas. Sorry, this picture is the best I could do
also, how should I remove it? Tweezers? Thanks

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the stringy tentacle things make me think aiptasia. google image search should confirm
Google looks like you could be right, how can I remove it without damaging the zoas??

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going to be kinda of delicate with the zoas so close. i might try injecting it with boiling water. my usual go to is kalk paste, but with it right on the zoas, your taking a chance. even the boling water might be a bit of a problem. you can get diabetic syringes at most any pharmacy if you ask, which is what I use if i go with the boiling water..
going to be kinda of delicate with the zoas so close. i might try injecting it with boiling water. my usual go to is kalk paste, but with it right on the zoas, your taking a chance. even the boling water might be a bit of a problem. you can get diabetic syringes at most any pharmacy if you ask, which is what I use if i go with the boiling water..

That's exactly what I use to kill aiptasia and it's precise!
I used what I had on hand, a baby medicine syringe, no needle, it seemed like the out just kinda melted away. Next time I'll have a better syringe on hand. Thanks for the help

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Ok how about this one? I don't think it's bothering the zoas, their only closed because I was moving them around. Still, I'm wondering what it is?

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aiptasia! in its location the best way to try to inject or cover it imo would be cover it in crazy glue ( I would take the rock out and remove the zoas, and then kill the whole rock), but if you try kalk paste so close your likely to kill zoas, as for boiling water, if you were able to deliver such hot enough water to the aiptasia as to definatlay kill the entire thing, you would be likely to harm surround corals too.
Thanks, I hit it with some boiling water but I dunno how well it worked since I used it sparingly as to not kill many zoas, then covered it in superglue. Ok last question (for tonight :)) these ones look kinda like barnacles... They open up and close constantly.
don't worry, I've only got about a million more questions :D

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