Appropiate Tang?

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Jul 28, 2011
Olalla, WA.
I will be moving in June and I will be setting up a 50 gallon tank at the new aprtment. I will transfer all of my live rock and part of the water from current tank to new tank. I have a Ocelaris Clown and a McCoskers Wrasse and various hermit crabs and about 15 corals. I would like a Tang but most need large aquariums. I was told that I could get a small Kole Tang and it would be okay. Before I move and add anything I wanted to get your opinions and avoid problems in the future. Is there any Tang that would be okay for a 50 Gallon?
Hey Earl, a very young/small Tang like above mentioned Kole and Yellow, Purple, Tomini, Hepatus etc... all would be fine short term but all will out grow a 50g eventually. The four Tangs in my 60"x24"x20" 125g will all need to be in a larger system within the next few years or sooner in the case of the Blochii which can reach 16-18" as an adult. The smaller Zebrasoma sp and Bristletooth Tangs would do best for the longest period of time IMO.

Cheers, Todd
I really like Tangs and I just sold my Sailfin (zebrasoma veliferum to a guy that has a 210 gallon tank, because of his potential size. Thanks Todd. I will look into the fish you mentioned.
+1 koles or even a scopus tang... still ud need to upgrade down the road imo as well.
there is no tang that will do well in a 48" aquarium.
cmon, these fish do 10-20 miles a day swimming in the ocean.
IMO, its cruel and stupid.

So many other appropriate fish to consider,
why bother trying to squeeze a fish you know is innapropriate into a 50g??
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mark was deputized but the federal tang police. Get one of those dime sized blue tangs and have him for a year or two. NBD. These thread historically start online riots. but if you want to look at recomendations i would day the small yellow (I don't like them because they can be mean) Kole or scopas.

The only reason I recomend the blue is becuase lots of the others are hard to find really small.
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Brad, we have a LFS up here that alot of people go to and he is very well thought of up here in the fish/reef community. I also know that he will not sell you something that your current sized tank can accomodate. It was his recommendation regarding the Kole Tang and said that they would be okay in a 50. He also had one there about the size of a fifty cent piece and said that is about as big as he would start out with but maybe a little bit smaller. Anyway, Ialso checked with wetwebmedia and they also suggested a minimum of a 50 gallon for the Kole. I am just trying to get an idea of what I want to get after I move into my apartment. Thanks for your response.
I know. I have known him for years. I never disagree with people, he knows a whole lot about this hobby(more than almost anyone you will ever meet). I just gave my opinion.
And the Tang police is just giving him a hard time. He should get it as he knows me. And look what it says under my name.

I have a feeling Mike isn't going to be too happy with me posting on here again. LOL.
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Brad, my birthday is in October, if you want to buy me that Tang you linked me to, I would be happy to take it. I just about have a heart attack when I see a fish that costs over $50.00. A fish that expensive should be left well enough alone in his own enviroment.
Brad, my birthday is in October, if you want to buy me that Tang you linked me to, I would be happy to take it. I just about have a heart attack when I see a fish that costs over $50.00. A fish that expensive should be left well enough alone in his own enviroment.

My birthday is in October also. Tell you what. If i get him you can come over and feed him. If he propagates you can have a frag. I've seen one in person. They cost a ton because (as I remember it) they come from somewhere off the coast of madagascar and they can only be collected one time per year. Now who want to donate towards my mega million ticket.
They look like a beautiful fish, I don't know if they are $3K worth of beautiful. I will keep playing the Mega Millions, my chances of winning that are better than getting one of those fish, my wife would never approve of one of those.