Aqua Remora Skimmers

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reef rider

Active member
Feb 12, 2011
Anyone have any experience with the Aqua Remora hang on or in sump. I've been using the hob Remora C with the overflow box. It just seems to produce tea-like colored water, no foam. This is on a 30 gal reef, skimmer on about 1 1/2 yrs. My water quality is fine, doing 5 gal water changes weekly.Tried moving the cup up and down, with no change, except how fast the cup fills. I know they rate this skimmer for up to 75 gal. Didn't think it would be to much for this system. The hob's are a bit noisy. I've read some good reviews on thier product line and was thinking of buying the larger in sump model. Doing a 65 gal build and trying to find a good skimmer (in sump). Trying to find out if I'm missing something here. Thanks, Tony
I've used both a Remora and RemoraPro on my tank(s) for years.
I currently have a RemoraPro on my 80+20 gallon system (as a HOB skimmer in my sump) and I have a Remora on my 20 gallon Nano.

They're reliable--but they're not great skimmers---if you're spending money on a new skimmer you can probably find a much better product at a similar price.
But if you're NOT planning to buy new, then I have found a few ways to improve Remora drawbacks...

1. Try attaching a Fluval surface skimmer: Hagen Fluval Surface Skimmer: Pet Supplies
instead of the overflow box.
The Fluval SS can be attached to the maxijet's intake with a couple pieces of clear tubing (ditch the black tube that it comes with).
The Fluval SS takes up a lot less tank space than the Remora overflow box, and it performs much better.
Wrap some some closed cell foam (like foam "packing sheets") underneath the lip of overflow tube and it's self-regulating--it'll always skim only the top layer of the tank, pulling the area with the most organics.

Another trick: Take some of that same closed cell foam and put it inside the Remora, cut it to fit on top/around the top of the "spray injection" chamber--it'll create a decent sound baffle that can make the Remora much quieter.
Hey Skimmy, thanks for the lead for the SWC150 BMK skimmer. You use this skimmer? Do you sell them? Hesitant to just buy without some positive feedback on this product. Anyone have any experience with this skimmer? I really want to get a good, reliable, and quiet skimmer. I feel I spent too much money for a product (Aqua Remora), that didn't perform to my expectations. I don't like the noise and the water skimmate, no wet foam. This product also recieved good reviews. Thanks,Tony
i think they are leet... way better then some of these over priced.... overflooding type ones that this lot talks a lot about...


very reliable, They dont overflow ever... they never fail... and there service is something short of a miracle

100% inducement

If you hold tight i might be selling my 2nd one shortly...
burning 2nd, you said you might be selling your 2nd one shortly. Which model is it? The Aqua Remora C is the HOB model. I'm looking for a in-sump skimmer. I have two Remora C's now. I have one for sale if anyone is interested.
i've sold and serviced just about every decent brand of skimmer there is, and
you couldnt pay me to use a aqua c skimmer of any type(ive owned the remora, urchin, a 120 and 240)
IMO, their only redeemable quality is as you mention aqua c's awesome customer service,
but utterly pathetic skimmers that are over priced and completly mediocre.
not to mention loud, antiquated design, and power hungry because you must over drive the injector to get any
performance worth a damn.
Hey Skimmy, thanks for the lead for the SWC150 BMK skimmer. You use this skimmer? Do you sell them? Hesitant to just buy without some positive feedback on this product. Anyone have any experience with this skimmer? I really want to get a good, reliable, and quiet skimmer. I feel I spent too much money for a product (Aqua Remora), that didn't perform to my expectations. I don't like the noise and the water skimmate, no wet foam. This product also recieved good reviews. Thanks,Tony

i used to sell SWC skimmers, but dont sell skimmers anymore. and i have personally used the bmk150, it is very powerful, very well designed,
and has the best bang for your buck @ $195, (700 lph air injection @ 25 watts, bubble plate, dead silent, small footprint, excellent adjustablility, built like a tank)
of course i can recommend some more expensive german skimmers, but this one works great and just happens to be cheap.

and as far as the CPR aeroforce hob skimmer, i havent owned one, but have installed a couple, seen them in action, and spoke to the designer from CPR at length about the skimmer at seamax. it's a recirculating HOB skimmer that allows you to adjust the amount of water and air you process independantly, consumes 8 watts, very quiet, and degasses bubbles before they return to the aquarium.
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Well... If you would have talked to Them, They would have told you that over driving the jet makes the skimmer NOt effective

anyway moving along I have the hob remora.... Ive sold the nano... and I have used my Hob remora In sump... submerged, It does work

Ill be getting a ev-120 some time soon, then this one might be for sale...
Hey Skimmy, I see your from Seattle. Are these guys on the west coast (website you gave me for the BMK 150)? I'm on the east coast. Would like to find a dealer closer to home, if that's possible. I'm going to give it a serious look. Thanks again, Tony
Here are a couple of pictures I snapped today. It's been set up for a few weeks now, so it's still working through a mini-cycle.

