aquamedic/pfo lights question

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Jan 25, 2005
i've got a 55g reef (48x13x20) in the works and i am undecided on the lights. i'm trying to buy the "best" fixture for what i can afford, but also trying to save some money. i'm not really looking for retros or anything, i like the whole hang on look. i'm shooting for basically all sps and assuming 250w is apporpriate for a 20" tank (correct me if i'm wrong). i am contemplating the:

-Aqua Medic Ocean Light T5/Metal Halide Combo - 48 inch 2 x 250 Watt MH + 2 x 54 Watt T5 Fixture (hqi)

-PFO Shimmer Light 48 inch 2x250w halides + PCs

i'm just wondering if any of you guys had any experience with these fixtures. i heard the aqua medic ballasts are noisy and such. also, wondering if you guy have any other possible recommendations. will 175w halides be fine for sps even down at the bottom of the tank? (ive got some many questions)

I realize you said SPS. But why dont you look into just T5. They can more then support SPS and Clams. Plus expense of electric would be a lot lighter then MH. I have used the PFO system but sold it for T5. If you doubt that a T5 can handle it then check out this thread.

Got to page one on it. The guys uses only T5's and it is the best reef I ever seen. And he doesnt even overdrive em.
hm... i dont think i can get enoguht wattage with only 12" of room probably 10 max bulbs w/ a retro. i believe the pictures on the link you gave me are lit w/ 2x400w halides +t5s, but thanks for the suggestion.
Joshinjosh- You would have less output with 10 bulbs over 12" space than with perhaps 4-5 bulbs and proper reflectors. The energy consumption would also be half.

5 T5 HO bulbs and proper reflectors over a 55gal will truely enable you to keep any SPS or clam anywhere in the tank. There is just no reason to go halide.
If you read farther down on the RC thread that Reefdaddy referred to it says "pure T5 illumination". Below is a link to a 55 that uses 175 halides. I have a 55 with pc lighting right now but am working on a 2x175 canopy, Just my opinion but I think 250's are a bit much for a 55. click on the "55 gallon reef" and there is all kinds of info.
I am personally going for halides but I don't see why T-5's would not work as well.

hm... t5s sound alright, but i agree with moortim, i would rather stick with halides. thanks for the suggestion liveforphysics, i dont think i can really see the advantage of t5s over halides. i bet sps would do fine under t5s, but i would rather spend the extra cash for some halides.

Now, for me, I switched from dual 400watt halides to T5s, and I couldnt be happier. Halides take a long time to turn on, the bulbs dont last long, they have really poor light distribution, they make tons more waste heat that might require the need of a chiller. Its just a bunch of PITA with NO bennifits over T5.

If T5 cost 10 times the money to do, I would still have swapped to T5 over my old MH setup.

I mean, seriously guys, think about it. Draw a little chart of the bennifits and drawbacks of each type, its just uncompairable. MH simply offers no bennifits over T5, and T5 offers so many bennifits over MH.

Seriously a no brainer here. Its your own choice of course, but damn, just think about it for a minute before you jump on MH.
Luke, I don't want to have this sound like an argument or cause anyone to have bad feelings but when you have a different opinion than someone on here I think we would all like it if you didn't try to make the rest of us sound stupid for disagreeing with you.

moortim said:
Luke, I don't want to have this sound like an argument or cause anyone to have bad feelings but when you have a different opinion than someone on here I think we would all like it if you didn't try to make the rest of us sound stupid for disagreeing with you.


I dont think he did that at all Tim. Its a point of obvious analysis. MH have thier purpose. But for 55 gal it does not make sense. Especially with heat concerns. The link I provided was all T5 no MH , He did the same as me. Sold his MH for the T5 setup. He is using and ATI hood. That light was without IC reflectors. PAR is the rating one would want, Not watts, The wattage per gallon is antiquated at best. PAR is the what he would want. Plus no chiller needed at all. MH I guarntee you will require the purchase of 400 buck chiller on a 55. People have to be aware that spending money on certain things will result in additional costs down the line. Its a comment he made that would require him to look up and study some specs on T5, if he doesnt he may regret his choice.

Luke and I have made the step to T5 awhile back. We seen the benefit of T5. The light increase on the sand bed and the shrnkage of the electric bill. I have 6 55 gallon tanks. One is left with MH. 2 160 gallon No MH, all T5. The 160 is heavy SPS and clams , I run 10 T5 on em with a standard HO ballast. If I run all the T5 at once it would bleach my Corals. So its expierence he preaching, Not calling him stupid.
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It was not the information I was disagreeing with, but rather the way it was put. I have researched T-5's plenty and I would probably be going that way if I wasn't already almost setup with my MH. Just to clear that up I may go T-5's at some point in the future. Definitely before buying a chiller, I don't need one at the moment so it isn't an issue. If you noticed in my earlier post I was trying to point out something about going both ways, not trying to push MH. I also pointed out that the system you were referring to was all T-5's. I am a firm believer in trying to point out the pro's and con's of different systems on here rather than saying only one way works. If Joshinjosh wants to go mh that is fine, plenty of people have done it, he already seems to be leaning that way he should just be prepared for the extra heat. I will repeat what I said earlier as well that T-5's are a good way to go.
Luke, I am sorry if I reacted too quickly to your last post and misinterpreted what you meant, sometimes your posts just come off that way. And if anyone thought I was calling you stupid I am sorry. I usually try to stay neutral on any controversial topics.

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Its all good Dude. Really. I have read enough of Lukes posts to understand what your saying, However we can not always put "tone" in what is written. We basically go off our own expierences. But I hope joshinjosh takes heart to those of us that been doing this for a long time. Trying to save him alot of trouble before he purchases something that he will not be satisfied with. Iam sure if he went MH Luke and I will not say Told ya so. LOL. Buts all good man. We have a Soapbox here for a reason.
Hey Luke and Reefdaddy, do you guys have any pictures of just your lighting? I wouldn't mind seeing how you have things setup.

hm.. guys, youve got me thinking about the t5s. how are t5s with sps growth compared to halide (knowing there are other growth factors)?

Josh, Like i said I have 2 160 gallons with heavey SPS and Clams. They do fine. As matter a fact I think I still have my logs of growth I can post them on site. I think the growth was as good or beeter then MH. The way I look at it is, If they can support My SPS tank with Clams, they can support anything. I found some pics of my tank before and after the switch. I show ya the diff.


This one here was with MY 250 watt 10 ks, no supplentation.

This one was T5 only Sun white bulbs by ATI 4x54


This was T5 sun and acentic 6 X 54 and no Blue

I would say there is a huge diff.

Now for the test I ran the same speed and lens opening for all the pics.
I'm glad we could help you "see the light".

I want to try to get both sides of the field in here. If I had to light a large diameter round tank, I would choose MH. I'm sure there are other applications I would choose MH for as well, but I just cant think of any at the moment.

It may interest you to know that MH lighting "high boys" and "low boys" which is the industy standard for large warehouse illumination and gymnasium illumination etc. is rapidly being replaced by T5s with clever reflectors. Now, these bulbs are differnt than reef bulbs, and color and such doesnt really matter, but the lumens per watt is greater, bulb life is longer, heat is less, and lighting is more natural and better dispersed with the T5 setups.

Just 5 years ago, it would have been unheard of to use anything but MH to light a large warehouse.

Its time for reefkeeping to catch up.