aquaripure filters

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2011
Orting WA
Has any one tried the aquaripure filters ? My son came home from his new job Friday talking about this set up @ his new job. He started talking with the guy cleaning & testing the saltwater tank. So this guy tell my son he had not had to do a water change in 6 months with this new filter ??? If this is true I think I will have to buy one...
Interesting, its like a remote low forced flow DSB in a canister kinda that you feed sugar and never have to replace? Wierd, does anybody on here use these?
Having done absolutely no research on this yet, it sounds false all around...I feel like something as simple as that would have been introduced to the hobby long ago if it actually worked.

Looking into it now though.
This seems like the sort of thing that ends up leaching nitrates into the system eventually...granted they claim that doesn't happen, I am just saying.
Im thinking its a small cryptic area for bacteria to grow out of the light. With no light different bacteria grows that can handle phos. and nitrates. So it's probly some kinda media and a batch of bacteria to seed it.