Aquarium Stands Constructio Reference Data

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Apr 13, 2005
washington state
I am looking for the technical reference data to build an aquarium stand for a 340 gal acrylic aquarium 72Lx36Wx30Tx3/4". I plan to build it out of spruce or oak with a 1" particle board top on 3/4" plywood base. I have done a search here and found a few examples, but not exactly what I need.

For example on the 72" span, can I use 2x6s on 12" centers.

What would be the spread for cross members.

For the legs, can I just have on the ends or additional supports in the middle. Or do I need to have a wider footprint.
If it were me, I would save the $$ and build it out of 2x's and face the "frame" in something nice. You could always trim it out the way you like.

On the top, I would use ply and keep any and all particle board away from the stand.

just my 02 sense
Some folks talk about placing a 1/2" styrofoam sheet between the tank bottom and the plywood top. I have seen a number of stores that use this approach. Doesn't quite make sense to me, but they claim it reduces the stress due to the variation is surfaces. Anyone out there who has done this for a long period of time. Can you share your experiences with it.
I don't think the foam is necessary for acrylic tanks (although mine is on a sheet of insulation board foam). I thought it was to keep glass tanks from variances in the surface.
the foam does a great job of distributing stress points more evenly on any tank, but the other benefit is temperature control.

The foam it to take up any "unevenness" between the top of the stand and the bottom of the acrylic tank. Acrylic has no "give" and would in time crack. Glass tanks sit on the bottom moulding and have a little "give" but should still be flat.

hth :confused:
I have a friend locally that had her tank crack on the bottom when it was getting filled with water. She now will never be without something between the stand and the tank, and fortunately for her, the tank manufacturer replaced the tank. I haven't thought about acrylic not having a give, but it doesn't make sense, as some acrylic tanks can have a bow when not made properly, so acrylic would have some give to it. I can't see the bottom of an acrylic tank cracking unless it was made out of really thin material?

I have seen large acrylic tanks (300+) on anything from 3/4" plywood, to 1 1/2 in plywood, to styrofoam on plywood, to the tank on the basic frame on 2 foot centers. Since I am settingup a 300, I am trying to determine the best base between the tank and stand. Thanks!!!!!!!!!
On a tank stand I would not use 2 x anything, my belief is that 2x's are for studs not furniture. A torsion box top will be much stronger and will look much nicer in the long run.

there are a few acrylic manufacturers out there that will void the warrenty if the tank is not on a foam insulation sheet of x" thickness. I will be using the 1/2" foam board on the 120 I just ordered. I have read that using foam with a glass tank - or maybe I should say a glass tank built using a trim ring - is bad because the foam can place undue stress on the glass because the trim ring has no give and can cause the bottom to crack. I have no experience with that so your milage may vary, all of my tanks have always just set on the stand. As for the stand I would avoid any particle/strand/osb board in favor of ply unless your are prepared to do some waterproofing, and I pretty much agree witht the previous poster about using 2"x4"'s or 2"x6"'s and then covering the stand - with some really nice cabinet wood... But that is just a preference on my part since all of our stands have been built that way. Have you looked at Zeltar's 120 mini-series thread here on RF? That is a very cool stand - lots of room underneath because of the frame design - While your stand will of course be longer/bigger you may be able to do something very similar and get some space underneath. Then again, you may have a fish room underneath or behind your tank and space in the stand/cabinet not be quite the premium that it is for some folks... On the 180 we used 2"x4"'s on a 24" center - sort of mimicked - the trim ring of the tank - given that your tank is about double the 180 the 12" centers makes sense from a safety stand point - I'm assuming that you are going to orient the boards so that you are maximizing board strength and not surface contact area? Orienting the board that way takes up space in the cabinet but you really wind up with a much stronger stand...
What brand of foam insulation sheets do you use? Where do you get it? Do any of the acrylic tank manufactures have specification for it or a recommended brand.
sorry I have taken so long to get back to you - it's the regular house styrofoam insulation sheets Lows calls it (Styrofoam residential sheathing extruded polystryene insulation) - pink made by corning i think or the blue made by dow - the mildew resistant variety it resists water very well and since it is not in contact with the aquarium water except for spills i think it's safe. I think they are typically used for exterior walls. Hope this helps... again sorry i took so long :(
