aragonite sand sucks

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Jun 17, 2007
around there really
Aragonite sand sucks

I don't know what happened the last time I bought aragonite sand for my reef tank I didnt even have to wash it off just put it in my tank and then filled it with water and the water was crystal clear I did buy the 40 pound bag though but it was still the aragonite sand that I got before same bag and what looked to be the same texture but I got the 30 pound pay this time and oh my god

Hell if you brush your hand across the sand it looks like the sand has dust allll over it

I hate it and I wish I would have knew it wasnt the same sand as before also when and while my tank was filling it was cloudy as hell and it took my tank 3 to 4 days to clear up good thing I wasnt in a rush huh

I even washed the sand out I used in my 125 gl throughly and it still took 4 days for it to clear

I hope some one from that sand company reads this and if so I just wanna let you know what ever you did different to your product in the last year it sucks and I hate it

I also plan to write them a letter or call them if theyvhave a number on the bag

Just a heads up to any suggestions my buddies may have I'm not changing my sand thats to much work I guess I'll just have to do with the sand storms in my tank cause I do plan on getting some gobies and dragonets and stuff

Hope it clears up and oh there is no way I'm going bear bottom either

Sorry if this offends any one but this is just not a good thing to have happen especially if you wash the sand and it still clouds the tank

My god
I have the same problem. I boughta 40 lbs bag to place on top of my 30 lbs of live sand already in my tank. Now if i try to move something it looks like its snowing in my tank
So is there nothing we can do about this???

I'm gonna give them a call and a piece of my mind I hope there number Is on the bag

Boy this sand sucks
Sounds normal to me. It's some pretty fine sand, and that's why people like it. What are you doing to remove the cloudiness? Skimming? Mechanical filtration? I rinsed my sand VERY heavily, multiple times until it was coming out clear. I still had a clouded tank for 3 days, then I stirred it up again, 2 more days. I did this a few times. It's just what comes with having awesome sand.

Again, what steps are you taking to clear it up?
haven't took any steps but rinsing it out on thectub thus far but I've noticed the tank I've got really good filtration in I'd dosent cloud up as much if stirred up but in my 125 I just got 2 power heads going to keep the water from getting stagnant and it has a very thin clear cloud in it

My 75 is set up pretty much just waiting on the salt and has 2 802 aquaclears on each end with a 1000 and some odd return pump plumbed with about 4 different heads on it pointing all in different directions

I'm hoping when I get all the filtration going on the 125 it'll be just as good as the 75 and as clear

The bag should also have a warning on it

And also I did buy aragonite sand before in a 40 pound bag and it didnt cloud the water at all I wish I would have got the same stuff this time

So what's so good about this stuff???

sorry...this thread is funny.........

do this......drink 4 beers now.....go to bed.......go to work......drink 8 beers when getting home...go to bed.........its saturday...drink a couple bloodly marys for breakfast and continue to get obliterated into the night......wake up with a hangover and look at your tank. it will almost be clear for you and your hangover wont seem so bad.....