Are HQI as Good??

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Jan 19, 2006
Well i just installed the new 48" Hqi W/ 2x96wand 3lunar so we will see. Its a upgrade never the less going from a 36" pc on my 65gal to a 90gal with a hqi system. So today i am going to start logging the differnce every day . I have also heard that will increase the algae spores in the water but not sure .Guess will see.If anyone has a hqi or has heard anything let me know.:rolleyes:
I'm running 250w DE HQI Ushio 10k's and love the color I get out of the SPS's in my tank. I did fight hair algea for a long time until I got a skimmer rated for about 2x my actual tank but not sure if is related to the lighting or just a case of over feeding.

Either way I love them only problem is cost and thier effective life is only about 7months. Good trade off if you ask me

Well it is day 2. I have started them on 6hr timer for the metal h's and 1 hr before for atinics and 1 hr after.It's my first time having lunar's should i leave them on all night or should i put them on a sperate timer ???I have also noticed some of the rustic algae color start to form a light layer on some of the rocks getting maxx lighting . Does anyone know if this is normal??
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Not sure if the rust colored algea is normal or not but when my lights started to drop off due to old age I started to get the algea your talking about. I have found if I keep my snail population up they do a good job taking care of it but don't let it get ahead of the population of snails or it will tend to take over.

Just my observations

As far as the moon lights I have mine on a timer that starts them about and hour after all other lights go out to an hour before lights come on. Tried to mimic real life, not sure if perfect but I think it's more for use then the tank
Hey OHGEE. How has that cycle been working 4 you .???? I also have started a new athread on coral pic's try 2 get some up.
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Here's an over view of my lighting cycle. And the lights I use. 2/250w Ushio 10k MH's and 1 115w actinics

1 actinic comes on at 9:30am then 10:00 the other comes on. At 11:00 both MH's come on.

MH's go out at 9pm, 1 actinic at 9:30 the other at 10:00

11:00pm moon lights on and off at 8:30am

Coral growth is different in everyone of my SPS's but I would say the average is about 1/2"/month. Pictures are a problem as I have yet to purchase a decent camera but from time to time when someone else in our little area has problems coloring a coral up it suddenly appears in my tank and you can almost watch the color change.

The flow in my tank admittedly sucks big time as I set this tank up in an emergency and didn't have time to due it right, nor did I have half a clue. It's a 150, 6' X 2' X 22" which I think helps with getting the light to the bottom better than some of the taller tanks. best colored corals are near the surface and only about 12" from actual light.

Hope that gives a better idea of my setup
O yeah!!! Sound's like a nice setup...Thank's for the info..Have you heard anything about the 20k's compared to the 10k's and if so what's your take...???
Day 4

Well its day 4 and i have noticed that the rustic algae has started to diminsh. I have noticed thatv my colt and flower leather have not taken the switch to well .still alive :confused: ,But not nice and full like before w/ pc's???? don't know why...we will see...:rolleyes:
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I had two colts initially under the MH's for a long time. The large on e loved the Mh's but the other smaller one had a hard time with them. Due to space and other concerns I finally moved both to a smaller 55gal tank with PC's and both are doing great.

I think it depends on intensity of light with the Colts But the leather I had loved the MH's, give it time to adjust and it will do great.

Try moving the colts to an area that is somewhat shaded and it will help them out as well

Day 5

Well,I had my water tested yesterday after the HQI's had running for 5 day's..:D And got the green light..Water is perfect..And bought my first acro and got lucky cause it came w a good acro crab..Rustic algae has nearly disapeared..But i have noticed with the HQI . I am having to clean the glass daily now compared to when i had pc's about every 3 day's..So will see how it go's....:)
Day 8 and they rustic algae seem's to be working it way in spirt's .One day it wuz there and the next day it isn't as bad.But now it seem to be working on sand all corls are doing really well.I figure 1 more week and i will up the metal halide's up to a 8 hr cycle....:):):)
Day 9 ..And it seem's like my Lobo brain is closed today as well as my cabbage leather...Hopefully malting....We will see.....