We have 4 shipments arriving this week. Boutique Corals arrive Monday. Florida wholesale arrives Wednesday and it will have some amazing corals and rainbow bubble anemones and ultra flower anemones. LA Wholesale and Cleaner Crew+ are also coming in this week.
Boutique Coral - Arrives Monday
1-pipe organ
1-ritteri anemone
1-cultured colt coral
2-porites xmas tree worm rocks
1-green leather coral
5-wysiwyg acropora
1-wysiwyg hammer
1-wysiwyg alveopora
1-wysiwyg finger leather
6-wysiwyg chalices
3-wysiwyg open brain
1-wysiwyg lobophyllia
1-wysiwyg candycane
1-wysiwyg red carpet anemone
I'm posting photos of the wysiwyg stuff on our facebook page.
Boutique Coral - Arrives Monday
1-pipe organ
1-ritteri anemone
1-cultured colt coral
2-porites xmas tree worm rocks
1-green leather coral
5-wysiwyg acropora
1-wysiwyg hammer
1-wysiwyg alveopora
1-wysiwyg finger leather
6-wysiwyg chalices
3-wysiwyg open brain
1-wysiwyg lobophyllia
1-wysiwyg candycane
1-wysiwyg red carpet anemone
I'm posting photos of the wysiwyg stuff on our facebook page.