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Arrivals 5/24-5/28

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Jan 13, 2004
Kirkland, WA
We have a nice order of Corals coming in from Timor this Monday. We might have a couple other shipments this week. I'll post updates if we do.

Timor Coral- Arrives Monday

2-green nepthea
3-green branch frogspawn
5-blue paly
6-super red paly
2-red zoanthid
3-red sand polyp
1-blueberry gorgonian
3-color acropora
1-lg favia
1-purple digitata
2-yellow cup coral
1-purple goniopora
1-tongue coral
1-metallic red wellsophyllia
2-elegance coral
1-red favia
1-green lt plate
3-blue zoanthid
2-red cynarina
2-color cynarina
ORA- Arrives Wednesday

4-black ocellaris mis-bar
8-caramel ocellaris
6-mis-bar true percula
1-blackline blenny
1-harptail blenny
2-orchid dottyback
2-springeri dottyback
1-striped dottyback
PhycoPure 8oz/16oz
6-green abolone
1-green first grade maxima
1-ultra gold maxima
1-plum crazy
4-green velvet
2-wooly green
2-australian delicate
2-hawkins echinata
1-ice tort
2-joe the coral
2-miami orchid
1-single polyp goniopora
1-blue bottlebrush
okay kiddies here be whats coming in tomorrow (5/27)from L.A.....

1-coral beauty
1-sunburst anthias
3-squamipinnis anthias
3-royal gramma
1-swale's swissguard
2-semilarvatus butterfly
4-cb ocellaris clownfish
1-orange stripe watchman goby
4-greenband goby
1-lemon clown goby.....not sure exactly what he is....i'm assuming a true citron
4-catalina goby
2-yasa hashe goby
1-red striper goby.....trimma sp
1-"colored" trimma goby
3-orangespot sifters
4-golden head sifters
1-falco hawk
1-blue spot puffer
2-yellow-eye tang
1-blue tang
1-desjardini sailfin tang
2-yellow tang
1-clown fairy wrasse
1-redhead fairy wrasse
1-chaoti wrasse....yep you read that right a chaoti....he should be saaawwwweeeeetttt
2-vermiculate leopard wrasse
1-carpenter's flasher wrasse
2-"california" seahare
2-derasa clam
50-margarita snail
50-turbo grazer
1-redband pistol shrimp...i assume candycane
4-tiger pistol
12-cleaner shrimp
2-red & black star....not sure exactly what they are
1-blue linkia star
2-longspine urchin

well thats the dilly yo!
what time do you guys usually get your shipment in? I'd like to stop by and pick up the tiger pistol shrimp and maybe the orange striped watchman goby.

what time do you guys usually get your shipment in? I'd like to stop by and pick up the tiger pistol shrimp and maybe the orange striped watchman goby.


ehhhhh....that unfortunately is hard to know for certain. it's usually here first thing in the morning, but it sometimes doesn't get here till 3-4pm. i would give us buzz at about 11am and we will know more.
Just checking If a sixspot goby and 10 green chromis came in from the raincheck ....

We were zero'd on sixspots. We did receive chromis a week ago but Chris probably didn't call you becuase we didn't have both. The chromis are gone now:( We'll keep trying!

Also, anyone with rainchecks...we always allow you to transfer the amount you paid as a credit towards another purchase if you don't want to wait:)