We have LA Wholesale arriving on Tuesday. Should be a really nice order.
1-med french angel juv
1-racoon bfly
2-med copperband bfly
2-lg copperband bfly
3-double saddle bfly
12-saphire damsel
1-green mandarin
4-matted filefish
2-dragon sifter goby
4-catalina goby
4-yasa hashe goby they're back!!
4-os sifter goby
2-blue stripe pipe
2-scribbled rabbit
1-lg achilles tang
1-blue phase atlantic blue tang
1-ml lieutenant tang
2-powder blue tang
1-kole tang
1-carpenters fairy wrasse
1-filamented flasher wrasse
1-pygmy possum wrasse
1-red blushing sea fan
1-galaxy coral sold
1-yellow w/ blue polyp montipora
2-sea hare
4-velvet nudibranch
1-red white and blue rhodactis mushroom
1-pink/purple yuma
4-blue/turquoise reefhab maxima clams
100-trochus snail
100-mexican turbo snail
3-candy stripe pistol shrimp
3-tiger pistol shrimp
2-fire shrimp
4-lg cleaner shrimp
2-sand star
2-red marble star
1-med french angel juv
1-racoon bfly
2-med copperband bfly
2-lg copperband bfly
3-double saddle bfly
12-saphire damsel
1-green mandarin
4-matted filefish
2-dragon sifter goby
4-catalina goby
4-yasa hashe goby they're back!!
4-os sifter goby
2-blue stripe pipe
2-scribbled rabbit
1-lg achilles tang
1-blue phase atlantic blue tang
1-ml lieutenant tang
2-powder blue tang
1-kole tang
1-carpenters fairy wrasse
1-filamented flasher wrasse
1-pygmy possum wrasse
1-red blushing sea fan
1-galaxy coral sold
1-yellow w/ blue polyp montipora
2-sea hare
4-velvet nudibranch
1-red white and blue rhodactis mushroom
1-pink/purple yuma
4-blue/turquoise reefhab maxima clams
100-trochus snail
100-mexican turbo snail
3-candy stripe pistol shrimp
3-tiger pistol shrimp
2-fire shrimp
4-lg cleaner shrimp
2-sand star
2-red marble star