As my daughter would say....

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Nov 18, 2008
Spokane Valley
Have you ever wanted to junk punch someone so hard it hurts them for a few weeks?

Here is my story and reasons I feel like this right about NOW!

I have been a smoker for 20+ years. This last year it has been hard to take a breath some times so I went to the doctor. They did MRI and told me they THINK they see something and would like to have a closer look.

A couple days later I went in for a closer look and never heard anything else from it.

Late afternoon yesterday I got a call from the doctor's assistant asking me to come in so discuss the results. I went into panic mode and made her tell me what was going on. She informed me what they thought was wrong, but I need to come in to the office and talk with the doctor for the offical word. Since my wife works at a hospital we know a few great doctors. So we asked one of them for a second opinion yesterday and went through some more testing.

At 10am this morning I got a call from our friend saying "I do not see what they are seeing." From there we asked for a third opinion from another doctor and she said the same as the second doctor.

I was able to get all three doctors in a conference call at 2:30pm this afternoon and half way through the first doctor asked "Who is Mr. McKee?" I replied that is me the one with the problem. He replied "There must have been some mistake because your file has someone elses results in it."

HOLY COW ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Here I thought the worst, was making plans and freaking out. Not sleeping lastnight and you tell me sorry must have been a mistake.

Turns out the real person is Mrs. McKay, someone mixed the files in the doctors office and no one caught it until the original doctor saw the original films and testing.

From what I understand the Doctors Assistant didn't take the time to make sure everything matched up before the call.

So as my daughter would say "Have you ever wanted to junk punch someone so hard it hurts them for a few weeks?"

I do and now you know why!

With this news only my 90 gallon set up is for sale at this time
Good to hear everything is OK, even if the stress knocked a few years off your life expectancy :) I manage the records storage area for an information management company here in Seattle and I hear about crap like that happening ALL the time.

And damnit, I was trying to plan a trip over to Spokane to buy that monster skimmer from you :( Oh well. Now get back to that huge tank build so I can steal motivation from your progress pics!
James that is some crazy nonsense to go through man. I read this after a lot of other threads and was wondering why you were telling people to bring you frags :lol:. Great to hear things worked out for the best!

it was just utter bs what they did. My emotions going up thinking of everything you have to get done and then say oh we made a mistake, sorry!

My wife said sue them, I replied you can sue someone for being stupid....
If people could be sued for being stupid, there would be an overpopulation of lawyers... Wait... Damn... There ARE too many lawyers ;) Go after them for pain & suffering, temporary loss of sanity for selling all that stuff, and aggravated ass-hattedness in general for mixing up your records. If nothing else, if they gave the other person's medical records to you at any point (I'm guessing that they gave the records to you, and you in turn gave it to the other doctors?) then they're looking at a nice little HIPAA violation. I have to be completely neurotic with a touch of OCD at work when handling medical records for our customers to avoid any possible risk of a HIPAA violation.
No The second doctor had his own scans and then I authorized him to discuss with third doctor. There was two sets of test for me.
HaHa and here you thought you only had less than a year without treatment. Good to hear you'll be around for a lot longer to entertain us with your wit. I say we have a cigarette to celebrate! or perhaps cigar?
Boy that was a confusing last couple of days, good to hear it all worked out:) Lmk if you still have rock left.
Glad to hear everything is good! I feel bad for the woman who was probably told she was fine, just to turn around and say there is something she should be concerned about.
Now that a couple days have passed I have been laughing about it. Now watch next time I get news like that I will just tell them they are full of cr@p!