Atlantic Blue Tangs

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Killer Blenny
Sep 12, 2005
Does anyone have experience with an Atlantic Blue Tang? I saw one online and they look really great, but I have never seen one in person. The price seems right, I think I would like to try one out!


The Atlantic Blue Tang is a beautiful fish. (Blue is my favorite marine fish color, BTW). You didn't mention the size of the one you have your eye on. I assume you are referring to Acanthurus coeruleus.

I'd say it was a bit more difficult to keep than the Achilles Tang and should be in an aquarium of no less than 6 feet in length. But if you go through a proper quarantine process and train it to eat the proper foods, it should do well. Water quality will be essential, as is the copper treatment I put all Acanthurus sp. through in quarantine.

Good luck!

Does anyone have experience with an Atlantic Blue Tang?

Hi Dan going on 2+ years with mine they are agressive eaters and they grow very fast It dosen't take long for them to loose their yellow color I agree with Lee these guys need big tanks I started mine in my little 75 gallon tank and with in a year I had to put in my 150 here is some eye candy He is a big pig but i love the color..Jeff

Does anyone have experience with an Atlantic Blue Tang? I saw one online and they look really great, but I have never seen one in person. The price seems right, I think I would like to try one out!


my experience with them is that is very agressive, sometimes nip some corals and moved the sustrate with his tales to make holes in there, like some damisels
i have one in my tank right now. mine is about 4 inchs right now . i bought him online last dec. he was so small they are slow growers . i have mine in with a sailfin tang,, and a blonde naso tang. 3 chromis . maroon clownfish. and a blue velvet damsel. mine does not pick at my corals or sand. but once in awhile he will pick up a snail and move it. i give mine a med. piece of lettuce everyday and at night a small piece of seaweed sheet. sometimes it will look like they are picking at corals and what they are really doing is cleaning the rocks.. i have not had any problems with any of my fish being mean. and i was told you can not put a yellow or a soho tang in with the atlantic blue. they are really cool when the start turning blue. hope this helps
but please rember they get to be about 16 inches or so . you might want to do some research online about tangs . before buying . some say they grow fast and some say they are slow. either way . they do need a big tank. mine is in the turning stage right now
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They do grow relatively quick, con 99872. I think yours may be slow in growth because of feeding them lettuce. Land lettuce has very little nutritional value for marine Tangs.
thank you . i can enjoy him longer . and have more time to get $$$$$$$$ to upgrade to larger tank. i know my tank is to small for tangs. but could not help myself . i will be upgrading in the future
Thanks for all the advice. I am having my LFS look for a juvenile for me. I have kept tangs in the past and am familier with the care.

I will post a pic when he comes in
