Attempted Murder/Suicide

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Aug 15, 2005
Who dun it? I discovered my already jittery jawfish missing for more than his usual 1 day vacation. I hadn't noticed him in about 4 days. We'll i was really suspicous so i checked the overflow.

Keep in mind that i have a hang on the back over flow.

I have two U shaped sections of tube that transfer the water from the intank over flow to the back section.

Sure enough the jawfish was not there.

The tubes that dump into the back from the in tank overflow dump to the side of the tube that dumps into the tank. In my setup Water basically rises about a milimeter and begins to drain into the tube. It then syphons down about 6 feet of 2 inch pvc piping into about 6 feet of hose down then down into my sump.

The other day to the astonishment of my own eyes a miracle happened.

After thinking the worst (my crabs and other fish devoured him under a rock somewhere) I discovered him in the sump.

Lets recap.

In order for this to be posible he would have had to first jump about 4 inches into the in tank over flow section. Then swim down and up through a 3/4 inch syphon tube section that empties into the hang on the back section. Then jump perfectly (1 in a million chance) into the syphon tube. Then swim straight down a 6 foot section of pvc and into a 6 foot section of flex hose ultimately emptying into my 15 gallon disorganized overcrowded sump which i move stuff around in almost every day.


Thank god but is this the luckiest fish ever or what. It took me 30 mins to catch and get him back into the main tank. What a huge PITA but at least i have the piece of mind of knowing he's safe now.

Any reccomendations on how to prevent the 1 in a million chance that this happens again? maybe some plastic mesh over the over flow?

What a crazy experiance he will have to tell his tank mates.

Any similar experiances or intriguing stories,

Glad to hear you found him Ben...You need to play the lotto with odds like that! I don't know what to tell you, but see if he does it again (LOL). Atleast you will know where find him if he goes missing again!
I had a similar experience with my male clown. He jumped into the overflow (while I was away), and went into the dursostandpipe, down into the sump - where my tank sitter found him swimming happily. Then when she went to net him, he swam over the baffle and into the next compartment. He hasn't been back in the overflow since. :)