back filter vs protein skimmer

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Dec 21, 2009
Lynnwood, Washington, United States
50 gal LRWFO. 15 mo setup, doing well with mostly leathers, mushrooms, a few zoaies. Several Damsels, 1 clown, 1 fox face, small crab, 2 shrimp. Back filter burned out and I am thinking of adding a protein skimmer. My Nitrates have been very easy to manage up until a couple months ago so I supoose I should be a PS anyway. IF I do go with one will I still need my backfilter. I am running two power heads anf t]I think I am gettting good LR filtration as well.
I think you would benefit from a protein skimmer and the backfilter (assuming a hang-on back power filter thing like an aquaclear) is probably unnecessary (but can provide nice mechanical filtration). I would increase water changes to handle the nitrates in the mean time. I know there are a few people on this site that can make great recommendations for skimmers on that tank size. The last time I looked was a few years ago and I know there are newer products on the market now.

I am a huge fan of protein skimmers and refugiums, but there are many ways to keep a successful tank.
I agree on the protein skimmer as well. As for the back/powerfilter, it is could be nice to use if used properly. Definately want to stay away from any powerfilter with a bio-wheel as the end product of any filter like that is nothing but nitrates as it is a highly oxygenated atmosphere where arebic bacteria can only grow. If you want to use one, as sugested an aquaclear wouldn't be a bad option just to maybe run some carbon in and for mechanical filtration purposes. Keep in mind thought that you'd want to change/clean the sponge in there every 3 days atleast because if you allow the waste it traps to just sit, it will rott and degrade water quality shooting up nitrates and phosphates.

Just a few thoughts. :)
Thanks, I have now installed a venturi type hang on skimmer. It seems to be working properly and am already getting a cup full of greenish/brown yesterday and today. However, I am not pleases with the level of micro-bubbles entering my tank. They really obscure that the visibility at that end of the tank. I have tried using various pieces of foam filter material to dissipate the bubbles but not working to well. ANy thoughts?