Bali Reefs

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Great article Kirk!

Gawd I miss Scuba Diving and seeing all the true beauty our oceans have to offer! Thus is why I am building a very small piece of my own, but not at the expense of destroying our reefs!
WOW Thxs for sharing indeed! I cant wait till this dec. Im going to cozmuel and flamoth, and cayman islands....i deff plan doing scuba!
I watched the black sand and the coral land one...the acropora plains are awsome! I hope its half of wat i saw in these videos...

They made a great point with simple supply and demand facts....if we all asked about where the livestock came from and refused to buy "un ethical" livestock, maybe they'd stop or at least slow down the poaching?!?!
Yes, thanks for posting this up Kirk Bali has unbelievably beautiful Coral Reefs that NEED TO BE PROTECTED. The bantor between Leonard Ho and Sea Save Inc. definitely brings up a 'Serious Issue' that has been pretty much ignored for at least the past 35 years since I first started working in this hobby an industry with little or no accountability for the ethical and sustainable collection practices of Marine Livestock. I'm not quite standing next to the guy from Sea Save Inc. but definitely see the situation from his angle and actually have a partially written article on just this topic that I really need to finish and publish. After my trip to Hawaii in September and taking part in Wild Fish collection done the Right Way and more recently involved in a purchase that I feel was not, I do fully believe that we can have Ethical/Sustainable Collection practices and as Hobbiest pave this road by demanding total transparency from collection point to our LFS. Every movement starts with a first small step and personally would like to start here by asking all of you to ask your LFS/Online Retailer "Where and How was this Fish/Coral collected? How do you know this ??? By what documentation?" Until WE the Hobbiest (End Consumer) demand these conditions the money will always dictate this industry, as an example the primary reason that there are so many unethical collector/shippers out there to begin with is the 'Almighty Dollar' just offer your livestock at .50 - $1 less then thier competition and 'Voila' new buyer/account who also may be part of the problem as they also may not care much about the Livestock and only looking at bottom-line profits. If we do not support these profiteers they will in most part be out of business or have to change. IMHO this industry could/would actually benefit from the 'Trickle Down' theory: Pay the Good-Diver more for thier ethically/sustainably collected livestock - Pay the Good-Wholesaler more for thier ethically treated livestock = The Good-LFS/Retailer can now have a more controllable/known profit margin and maybe only need to mark up livestock 2x instead of 3-5x or more to make up for loss (DEAD Livestock) which in turn ends up saving us the hobbiest in the end. With usage of the Internet being so prominant in our industry nowadays we really have no excuse for being ignorant any longer to these issues at hand. I am not standing on a Soapbox in a Glass House throwing stones as have been part of the problem myself in the past by ordering directly from questionable Shippers in the Phillipines in the 80's before I knew better. My recent losses of livestock that I collected from Hawaii really really bother me and take it personally as MY FAULT, losses/mistakes happen to the best of us but when we stop caring about/learning from then we really need to STOP and do a Self-Check or... find something else to amuse oneself with... JMHO

Cheers, Todd