Be sure to donate in support of Haiti

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Smart Bass
Jun 27, 2006
Mill Creek, WA
Dr's without borders, Red Cross, World Vision; to name a few that are low administrative cost high impact foundations. There is a lot of suffering to our neighbors to the south and we can help...
Dr's without borders, Red Cross, World Vision; to name a few that are low administrative cost high impact foundations. There is a lot of suffering to our neighbors to the south and we can help...

Agreed. My wife and I sent off something last night and she challenged her Facebook friends to match it. Guess it really took off. If everyone does a little it can really help:)
Here are my thoughts on this and many if not all of you will disagree.

Haiti has never been friendly to our nation. In fact we have sent special ops teams down there back in the 80's to assist and train them during a revolution. In return they turned their back on us at their first opportunity. They are over populated and underdeveloped. America will do what we always do and flood money and relief efforts into the country, only to have them thumb their nose at us at their first opportunity again. I think this was natures way of balancing the eco system with the thousands of people in the country and is a perfect opportunity for them to assist themselves.
80s? Revolution? Huh? Aren't you currently helping in a foreign country on the US's dime?

These same antagonistic and uncaring opinions could be said of any country and misses the point. We are not trying to help the leaders, we are lending aid to suffering people who underwent a cataclysmic tragedy and are without food, water, medical care. Your opinion is noted, please allow MY thread to continue without further distraction.

I just sent another $100 for good measure
Here are my thoughts on this and many if not all of you will disagree.

Haiti has never been friendly to our nation. In fact we have sent special ops teams down there back in the 80's to assist and train them during a revolution. In return they turned their back on us at their first opportunity. They are over populated and underdeveloped. America will do what we always do and flood money and relief efforts into the country, only to have them thumb their nose at us at their first opportunity again. I think this was natures way of balancing the eco system with the thousands of people in the country and is a perfect opportunity for them to assist themselves.

This would be true if "nature" had the ability to acknowledge and comprehend "people". I'll be the first to admit I usually take this stance: we put out an amazing amount of resources to those outside our borders when we should be putting those efforts towards our own. However being a compassionate country and a country extremely blessed. It is a duty and responsibility to help those especially in times of extreme misfortune whether from nature or from human actions.
80s? Revolution? Huh? Aren't you currently helping in a foreign country on the US's dime?

These same antagonistic and uncaring opinions could be said of any country and misses the point. We are not trying to help the leaders, we are lending aid to suffering people who underwent a cataclysmic tragedy and are without food, water, medical care. Your opinion is noted, please allow MY thread to continue without further distraction.

I just sent another $100 for good measure

Sorry I saw your reply after I responded. Wasn't trying to stay off topic.
I agree anyone should help in any way they are able too, whether it be $0.01 or $10,000,00, and/or just volunteering. Anything is better than nothing and just the gesture alone helps build morale.
Noworrries, No worry :>)
I enjoyed your post and happen to agree absolutely.
It would be nice to pull ALL our soldiers home to actually guard our nation here, to help ourselves and use our wealth to feed our own hungry. Be that as it may, doesn't work that way. As long as anyone is in pain, we all are in pain. Yes I am a bleeding heart liberal, but as one fortunate enough to be healthy, and able to afford such an expensive hobby, best to pay forward some good Karma. "In the end the love you take is equal to the love you make"...
Hey Mike,

I wasn't trying to start any debate. I just merely feel that we America as a whole is still rushing to help the world at every turn instead of ourselves. I feel that tragedy causes necessity which is a catalyst for change. The catalyst is removed when things are given away...much why Afghanistan and Iraq will never end...because we have Given them everything...and they have Earned nothing on their own accord.

Anyway good luck and I hope the fund raiser makes a difference to a family out there.
since I can't edit my post...

I just want to clarify that instead of flooding money into the country in the form of food etc...perhaps it would be better to build their infrastructure and educate them in a manner so that the next time a tragedy occurs they can self sustain. IE building flood walls, hospitals, educating them in emergency response, educating them in agriculture, etc etc...

Ok now I feel that I've fully stated my piece....I wish you all luck and hope for the best.
Ummmm, Kind of hard to build infrastructure when the streets are filled with rotting bodies and lined with injured starving homeless children.

When a patient is laying there bleeding, better to fix the gaping wound than educate him in farming or starting a hospital building fund.

These people need instant triage help! They need food to prevent starvation! They need doctors not advisors and need them a week ago!

Sent another $100 and will continue weekly if not more
I read in our local paper about a man from Haiti, who was a violin teacher.

I think he ran a school for the Haiti kids. He is here in the US now, they mention him being a dual citizen.

He is blind, or partially, but that isn't due to the recent event. He lost his wife who was pregnant with his baby. But as soon as he is well enough he wants to go back, to rebuild and teach again if his fingers (several broken) heal so he can play.

Another story about a boy 13 lost all his family. He has no home, food or water.. but wants to find some sort of job so he can eat.
My daughter is 13, I cant imagine what it must be like for them.
Sent money to the doctors relocation fund thingy. that would be the best right now.. the one's who are hurt need help..!!!
That is the one I believe they need thee most..
I feel for those that have "owwies" and can't get any bandages or medicine.