Been away for awhile.

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Well-known member
May 7, 2006
Northeast Pa.
Hey everyone! Ive been away for a while, 4 years since anything new has been bought for my tank since the 90 gal upgrade. Got myself into the credit card trap and paid dearly. Now four years later, I have 2 payments left until I'm debt free and then I can start buying with cash this time round. I have many upgrades that will be done. First up will be lighting and a new pump. I still have the original 8 x 54 t5 nova extreme light and reeflo dart pump still going strong after almost 6 years 24 7... Anyone want t5 lighting??? hehehe, Looks like technology has done some changing since my hiatus and I need to catch up. Plans are to go with L.E.D lighting this time and another Reeflo unless there is a better one now. When I upgraded my tank I redid all the plumbing to allow me to use one pump to run everything. Just wanted to say hello and I hope to spend some quality time here like I use to.
Welcome back Reefbound. Glad you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Bring us up to date on your system. Look forward to pics too.
There has been a few advances in the past few years. With LEDs and other equipment.
Good to have you back.
Good to have you back!
IMO luxury hobbies should be a cash hobby. So just encase you have an emergency, You have room on the credit card to divert a huge loss.

Looking forward to some pics
Thanks Guys, I have two more months before I really start in on the tank but it really has suffered a bit. There are three fish in there that never went hungry but,I probably should have shut the tank down. It wasn't only the tank purchases that accumulated it was life,somehow got depended on the cards. Now, I can honestly say I will be credit card free very soon thanks to a certain company that specializes in people like me and they are a not for profit company thankfully.Well enough said about that I will post a new thread bringing you up to date with pics very soon,Hopefully I will get some free time this week to do that.
Hey, another member from PA. I haven't seen many from our state. Glad you are in a position to get involved again and congrats on being free of credit card debt. Good for you!