Berghia Group Buy

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May 16, 2006
Spokane, Washington, United States
Hi all,
So we have the chance to place a group buy for adult Berghia Nudibranchs. For those of you unfamiliar with these, they eat Aiptasia. That's all they eat though. Once they eat all of them, they starve.

So far, we have 5 people involved in the group buy, ordering 15 Berghia. They are $10.00 each, plus shipping. The more people involved, the lower shipping is, per person. As it stands now, shipping is a total of $46.00. I believe a few more can be shipped without raising shipping much more, if at all.

Here's a link to the original thread .

It's looking like our order will be shipped the week of March 9th. If anyone would like to join in on this order, let me know, via this thread or PMs. I'll update this thread as I have more information.

If it works out for everyone, I'll have the order shipped to my house and we can all get together to split the order up accordingly. I also can hold them for people, for a short amount of time.

I am asking that anyone who is involved get me the money ahead of time, so that I can paypal the money to the supplier. I will be placing the initial order today, hopefully. It will be an open order, for awhile, so can be added to.

This will be a great opportunity to rid the Spokane area of the Evil Aiptasia!!! LOL
For those getting Berghia, please read this very informative website, regarding their care, acclimation and the best way to utilize Berghia in our reef tanks.

Some special precautions need to be taken, especially when acclimating and placing in our tanks, to help these lil' guys survive. One thing I read is that it's very important to NOT just drop them in your tank, but to place them in a high location, away from detrivore collection areas that might contain "bristleworm nests."
Initial order placed and payment sent for those of us in Spokane area. This will also be noted in the original "for sale" thread. I requested shipping on March 10th for March 11th delivery, due to PM received that shipping wouldn't take place until the week of March 9th. Spokane area members, this is an open order, so can be added to!! Please PM me, or respond here, if interested!!
Okay, looks like we've got a 6th person who might be interested in 2 or 3. This will likely knock down shipping slightly, unless we've reached the limit for the size box and need to go with a larger box. I'll know more tomorrow. What I'll probably do is, when everything's all said and done and the shipment is actually shipped, I'll go with the final shipping and figure out how much of a shipping refund I owe each of Hope that works!!
you should donate them to the PSAS after you're done , or at least trade them of and we can keep them alive while they rid the aiptasia in our tanks. :D
One thing to note they will not eat all the Aiptasia before they starve out except in small tanks (20 gallons or less) IME. If you have lots of Aiptasia the Berghia will reproduce even when quite small. They do not do well in high flow so you might want to reduce flow in the areas with Aiptasia.

Kevin, thanks for those tips. I read very similar information about them. Not sure how everyone plans to utilize them, but I think I'm going to use them WITHOUT adding them to my reef tanks. I have a tub of rock that's cured and ready to go, but has quite a population of aiptasia. I'll put them in this tub and as they reduce the aiptasia in it, I'll remove rock from it. I have a few aiptasia in one of my reef tanks. I've thought I'd then take those few rocks out and put them in the tub.

I might, eventually, put the Berghia in a 10 gallon and actually try to collect aiptasia from others to feed them with.

Update, we have a 6th person who's getting 3 more. I've also received PMs from a couple of others, expressing interest.

Soyadrink, I believe it's in the original Berghia thread. I think Ilovereef was putting together a group order.
I got them on some of my rocks. I will put them in a small 20 gallon tank and let them go to town.

I just want it gone without killing my coral
Here's an update. We have 7 people involved with the group buy now, and 22 Berghia, so far. We can go up to 40 Berghia in the 6X6X6 box that shipping was quoted to me from. If we go over 40, a larger box would be needed, which would effect shipping cost. But if we got that many, we'd obviously have a few more people to spread shipping out with.
I just shared a couple of PMs with Kyle, the Berghia supplier. He's actually set aside 40 Berghia for us. We currently have 22 ordered. He can ship us 40 without shipping costs going up at all. His priority is to be able to ship larger Berghia, as apposed to tiny babies. This is why our order is delayed until the week of the 9th. This will allow time for the ones he has to grow a bit more.
LOL Don't even know if anyone's following this thread...but in case...update. After hearing our weather report for the next couple of days, and talking with Kyle. We've decided to change shipping procedure. Shipping will still take place tomorrow, most likely. However, the package will be shipped to the Fed Ex hub and I'll pick it up. I just felt that would be better than having them ride around in a Fed Ex truck with the very cold weather we're supposed to get.
Has anyone else put them in their main tank? I haven't seen mine at all since I put them in. I did see one partially mutilated aiptasia, but it's still alive. I know their nocturnal but it's disturbing not seeing them.
I haven't added them to my tank, and don't plan to. I'll keep them in a smaller container and move rock from my display into their container. Finding them, once in a reef tank, can be impossible. Not finding them doesn't mean they've perished. I've read of a lot of people never finding them, even in small nano tanks.