Shoulda been a fish!
I intend on welding the acrylic so the edges need to be decent. Only saws I currently have are a chopsaw and jigsaw.
How thick is the acrylic? Is the weld going to have to hold water? Is it a structural seam?
I would use the jigsaw. Get a metal cutting blade or a fine tooth finished blade. Sandwich the piece to be cut between some 1/4" plywood and cut with the slowest speed your jigsaw will allow, Then sandwich the cut piece between two pieces of metal (the metal must have a straight edge) let the acrylic hang out past the metal edge just enough to straighten the entire length of the cut. File down to the metal straight edge. besure to keep the file 90deg to the acrylic. Now that you have a straight edge. you can weld it up.
I know it sounds like a pain but it wount take that long.
Or find a buddy that has a saw or a router to barrow
IME a chop saw will melt the edge of the acrylic. and you are limited to the size of your cut. It can be done but be sure to clamp down the piece of acrylic before you cut it.
There is an other option. Your local box store may carry this tool. The tool is used for cutting P-lam counter top material. It looks like a utility knife on stairoids (sp) The cutting end has a little carbide tooth on it. You use it with a straight edge clamped to the acrylic and score the face were you want your cut. Score it down to about 1/2 the thickness of the material and then flip it over and score a couple more times, Dont go all the way thur. Then snap the piece where you have scored it. You will still need to dress the edge before welding. This will only work with thin material. Possible up to 1/4''
The best, low cost way to cut acrylic is with a Router, and a good flush trim bit made out of carbide. If you don't have one, go to a pawn shop, or craigslist. Buy your bit new, and have some fun making shavings. Jason