Best trigger for all around fish only?

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Aug 1, 2005
Tacoma wa
I am thinking about changing over my 90gal reef to a fish only with 1 prize trigger and i cant make up my mind! anyone have any advice or storys?
Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!! I also like the Huma Huma/Picasso (I think they're the same?) - and I think Clown Triggers look cool, as well. I don't have any experience with either of these fish, so I don't know how they would fare in a 90 gallon. Keep us updated on your decision, thought - I'd love to hear what you end up doing/getting!
Whatever trigger you decide on watch it really really careful before you buy. These fish have the most varied personality of any fish I have ever seen. Some are just mean, some are just chicken, and some are perfect pets. I have seen clown triggers that would bite the glass just to get at me, and others that just wanted to watch and sorta play, would even play chash a lazer pointer, and others that were terrified of every movement. Very variable fish. Hope this helps. If it were my choice a Huma Huma or if I was going to go all out and could afford it a Assasi
Huma Humas are moderately aggressive Triggers, and can sometimes be housed with other large fish; but somtimes not. Clown Triggers are extremely aggressive, and will often kill anything within reach once mature. Titan and Queen Triggers are every bit as bad as the Clowns. The more mild-mannered varieties are the Niger and especially the Blue Throat. The worst Triggers are unrivaled in their aggressive behavior and intelligence. In fact the intelligence and personality of the Clown, Titan and Queen are what makes them so appealing. Unfortunately you sometimes need to supply them with a tank of their own.

Lastly, the larger Triggers really should have a tank at least six feet long, as these species are used to swimming for long periods in open waters above the reef. A four foot tank really doesn't give them enough room to move around. Again, the Blue Throat and Niger are the best choices.

Just for clarification, mister miah - this fish will be alone in the tank? I have been misinterpreting posts lately :D....

mister_miah said:
changing over my 90gal reef to a fish only with 1 prize trigger

If not, what other species were you planning on keeping with the trigger.
I think it depends on what you have fed your trigger. If you trigger gets a taste of another fish and likes it...ouch. If I were to get another trigger, I would try to stay away from live foods. I would try to get a younger trigger and raise it with out live foods.
I once had a Niger trigger about 8 inchs long. That was the coolest trigger I ever had, never bullied any other fish in tank. He would actually let me rub his belly. I had pygmy angels with him. Again, once he gets a taste of live meat its hard to stop them from natural foods.
I wish you good luck on your search,
My favorite trigger in community tanks was the Reticluated Trigger..."Rhinecanthus rectangulus"...I had good luck with them...beautiful, unusual, stay pretty small, not overly agressive(for a trigger, anyway :D )....

If your looking for a show trigger with a decent personality I would go for a crosshatch. They are pretty spendy but they are a sweet fish.

I love all the triggers. But I have always had a clown in my FO tanks. I have kept a number of them over the years and can agree that they all have their own personalities.
I can tell you the niger is the mellowest but the one in our LFS display is a 9’ bruiser that likes to eat eye balls! So the general temperament descriptions are just that general.
Now that being said I would also recommend that you get a baby trigger and grow it up.
Our clown trigger is very large and never bothered any tank mates. Even small wimpy fish were kept with him with no problem. (Semilavartus Butterfly and Heni’s)
IME when they grow up with their tank mates they are just not nearly as aggressive.
Think of it this way get a large trigger from the wild and it has been hunting and killing to stay alive. A tough life. Get a baby and hand feed it prawns and meaty foods and it's like a fat house cat. It’s doesn’t always know to kill kill kill.
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sharks said:
the one in our LFS display is a 9’ bruiser that likes to eat eye balls!

9 feet??? Holy cow! and it eats eye balls??? Oh my - is that what happened to your eye? ;) :D just teasin' ya sharks :)
LOL funny :D Nine feet would be impressive though.
I would never go diving if there were 9’ triggers out there ;)
But yeah likes eyeballs. Took down an eel, a clown trigger larger then it, and chewed the heck out of 3 yellow tangs. Now it's targeting the 3 large lookdowns.
I have a feeling that it will soon come out to be donated to the local aquarium.