best way to treat red slime?

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Stumped Irishman
Jan 23, 2007
Chehalis, WA
I have been fighting red slime algai on my LR for a while now and its just getting worse. I've been told to do a large WC and leave the lights off for 48 hours, and I've also been told to use Chem-Clean. Basically I'm not sure what to do. Ideas anyone.??

Do a 20g water change after you chemi clean. Then 24hrs later do another 20g WC. Make sure that you turn off your skimmers untill after the 2nd wc. Hows your flow? some times thats the cause, or your lights? if there going bad that can cause bad stuff to happen. Are you using RODI water? another question is how often are you feeding? feeding to often can contribute to that also. Best of luck

i feed like once a week. I use RO DI water. My flow may not be good, because I have only 3 small powerheads. I'll purchase some larger ph's and replace my lights and see if that solves it. my lights are about 6-8 months old now i think, plus after looking at some of these other setups it seems that I have too little of power heads
I've had success with Boyd's Chemi-Clean, I've tried other products and none works like Boyd's...cleaned tank/sand of as much as I could and waited 15/20 minutes. Replaced the filter pad for the overflows (if you use one), turned off skimmer and carbon (if you use, I don't use carbon) and then treated the tank, waited 48 hours and turned everything back on...this is all per the directions...worked like a champ.

Afterwards I abide by the advice given above and have not had amy major breakouts (only when my arms are in the tank too much, and those are minor...note to self, keep hands out of tank :)).
what is your nitrate reading? if you have a canister filter use the seachem nitrate absorber. does a good job in lowering nitrates. catch is you need to reduce the flow through the canister at about 50gph in order to effectively reduce nitrates. ball valve and a flow meter attached works great. helped me with the red slime algae
I just went through this...mine may have been cyano though. I shut down the lights for 24 hours and ran carbon for 4 days. I didn't do a WC, as it occurred right after I did a 20%. I also pointed my power heads straight down from the top of the euro brace to the sand. I have hydors k-1's and it worked wonders. I used my filter socks (DIY) on my overflow outputs into the sump and now I am down to one small patch.

It seemed that when I blew the stuff off of the sand and rocks, it just gathered elsewhere.
If you use chem clean...make sure you research it well. I have heard horror stories.

Skim wetter, increase flow, feed as little as possible and keep up on WC's. I used to fight cyano all the time until I modded my skimmer in more ways than one. Depending on your bioload, you could simply have too small of a skimmer for your set up.