best way too....

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2006
What is the best way to get my anenome to detach itself from the rock it is on. I am transfering it to a 90 gal from my 40 that I am taking down and all I have left is that and 1 clown to transfer over. Is there any special way i dont want to hurt it either cuz its healthy and large. I also dont want to transfer the rock it is on.
There are many ways that get it done, none of them the same as allowing the animal to move on it's own. Some use a credit card to get under one edge and pull (and tear) at the delicate foot. Some use ice. Some use hot water:eek: I have heard of one using salt crystals which destroys cells:mad: The best way, and the only way to be sure, let the poor animal keep his favorite home until it decides that it's time for changing lodgings.

Later if you want to hedge your bet, after the anemone is used to it's new home and the tank is stable, move the rock to a poor lit low flow area to entice it to move.
got him off with an ice cube. Like I had stated before I DID NOT want to bring the rock into the new tank.
Im with mike... move the rock to the front of the tank with lots of flow....... then you wait

The idea is for it to crawl to the glass (BB) or sand to go to another rock... then you can easily grab it.