blasto's and green star polyps no doing well.....?

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2012
I have recently gotten three blasto's one wellsi and two merletti's. From my understanding the wellsi is harder to keep. But surprisingly it's the one of the three that look good. The other two looked great in the store and looked good the first day, but since I have brought then some of them have retracted into there skeleton and the ones that have not retracted are losing color and look to be shedding. I am also have issues since adding them with my green star polyp I recieved for free from barrier reef aquarium with a coupon I got from a grab bag at their sale. They were all starting to come out and start waving in the current but since I have added the three blasto's and the zoa that I bought for twenty dollars they have all stopped coming out and started to lose the purple color from the base. The zoa is doing great without any issues. My salinity is 1.24 ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 0 ph 8.0. I don't have test kits yet for mag, calcium, phosphate and alk. Just started getting corals and will be purchasing them in the near future. I have a 90 gallon with a 4 bulb vho t5 setup with 4 moonlight led's. And have a koralia 1050 gph powerhead as well as the 1200gph marineland powerhead with a return pump from my fuge being about 400gph at a 5 foot head height. Any one have any ideas on what could be going on? hope i have given all the info needed. also have done two 25 gallon water changes with rodi same temp, same ph, same salinity in the last week using kent marine reef salt. because of cloudy water. water is really clearing up but corals are confusing me. Thanks everyone
The 3 most important test to have are the ones you don't have. Any of those could be affecting your corals.
Without a total water parameter listing it will be very hard to possibly diagnose your issue, sorry :(

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That's what I was afraid of..... gonna be getting those kits this weekend .... I should've had them before hand but the guy at the fish store was selling them for 20 bucks a frag and then said he'd make me a deal and sold all 4 frags to me for 20. So kindof jumped on the deal a little early. But will be getting them this weekend when I got the extra cash
I'm worried about the lighting not being enough..... I know the blastos require lower lighting which is why I thought it'd be alright. Do you think I am right on that assumption?
also just strange to me that the star polyps stopped coming out when i added the blastos and zoas...... thats the only thing that changed when they stopped coming out. thanks
yes they were drip acclimated for 1.5 hours before going in and the temperature is 76.5 degrees
Temp could be a little higher. I usually like to acclimate water/temp then dip with tank water. Also I assume you meant salinity of 1.024 and not 1.24. Star polyps are pretty hardy and if disturbed usually take a few days to start extending again.
yes i meant 1.024.... yeah its been about 4 days since waterchange but they closed up prior to the waterchange, they closed up right after adding the blastos and zoas..... ill raise my temp a little when i get home a degree or two. do blasto's and zoas expell anything in the water that could possibly freaked out my polyps and caused them to close? Like i said the only corals open and doing really well are the zoas.
It's not the Blasto & Zoa's causing the issue with your GSP. Pretty sure it's a parameter issue. Any way possible to take a water sample into your LFS and have the big 3 tested?
You are right that Blato like lower light. Where is the GSP placed? Do you have any Hermits that could be crawling on them?

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I am getting test kits tomorrow ..... and never though of the hermits but I have 5 small hermits but have never seen them near them
Plan on getting some sort of water additive to help with the nutrients the corals need any recommendations? Been reading up on Kent coralvite and that has good reviews and my lfs says they use something called fuel.... by seachem.... any ideas?
If u have done 2x 25 gal water changes in the past week, and I'm assuming you are just beginning to stock your tank with corals, them your mineral levels shouldn't be the cause and shouldn't need any additives yet, as nothing is depleting them. i am using brs 2 part with fauna marin balling 1/2/3 solutions.
Ok thanks ur right all I have are the blasto, one zoa frag and the gsp. I am just starting out with the corals been reading like crazy for months and still have so many questions.....
Do not waste your money on additives just yet. I would say don't buy them at all but I don't want to start a big debate ;)
I keep a clam, zoa's, LPS & in almost 5yrs have NEVER dosed anything aside from 2 part. And I even quit that by upping my water changes.
Our salt mixes have what is needed. But most try and get away from doing regular WC's via dosing. So it's a personal preference. Also it may be the bigger the tank the easier it is to dose instead of doing regular WC's.
FYI-our LFS's are there to make money. It is their job to sell you product. Most of which you'll never need.

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Thanks for ur recommendation I am getting the test kit tonight so I will be able to tell what is going on :)
So I think I figured out what the problem was..... My salinity was super high about 1.029 to 1.030. I got the test kits and everything tested fine. I have lowered the salinity back down to 1.024 over about a three day period. The blasto's that didnt die have come back to life although i have a few skeletons in between the good looking ones. Will these blasto's grow back or are they done for? The majority of the green star polyp died on me and started falling apart. I trimmed it way back and the part i refragged is still a purple mat but no polyps are coming out .... will they come back out over time or are these done for as well? Now for my favorite i love zoas but the ones i have all closed up and havent been out in like two weeks.... the closed polyp still has a pinkish healthy color to them, but the stock is a dark brown. Is there anything i can do to save them? last but not least i should tell ya i had a one day ammonia rise to .25 ppm then back to zero and has stayed at zero. Any help or info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I have done an iodine dip and has not helped..... should i just be patient? The brown stock is what is making me worry on these.....